Push to Talk

From hospitals to rehab centers to assisted living facilities, businesses that provide care depend on instant and clear communication between staff members.

What Kinds Of Businesses Benefit From Two-Way Radios?

Two-way radios are a form of instant communication that allows employees to talk with each other with just the push of a button. Many businesses purchase two-way radios for their employees rather than providing cell phones, believing that radios make their employees safer and promote efficiency in the workplace. The following are a few types of businesses that particularly benefit from this type of communication device.

Health Care Facilities

From hospitals to rehab centers to assisted living facilities, businesses that provide care depend on instant and clear communication between staff members. Since there are typically far fewer care providers than patients in a residential facility, workers can get spread out throughout the building and find themselves in sudden need of help. Using a Push to Talk radio allows an employee to call for help when a patient has fallen or has had any other medical emergency.


Schools are charged not only with educating their students, but also with keeping them safe, and concerns about school safety have grown over the years. Many schools are now using two-way radios not only to keep teachers and other staff throughout the building in constant contact, but also to ensure that every staff member can contact emergency services with the push of a button. Two-way radios also help teachers keep tabs on large numbers of students and search quickly for anyone who is missing.


Hotels are another type of business that benefits from the use of two-way radios. In the hospitality industry, it's important to satisfy the needs of the guests quickly, and having instant communication from the front desk to housekeeping and other departments is one of the best ways to ensure that needs are met and concerns addressed very promptly. If a guest arrives with a request for extra pillows, for example, or a crib, the receptionist can make sure the room is ready by the time the guest puts the keycard in the door.

Construction Crews

Construction crews profit from the use of two-way radios in many ways. Not only can workers get help right away if needed, but contractors can ensure that materials are delivered to the right location and that small problems are taken care of right away. Road construction workers can use radios to organize traffic flow around a disruption. The radios used on all types of construction sites are sturdier than cell phones and able to endure falls and other rough treatment.

These are just a few of the types of businesses that rely on two-way radios for instant communication among their staff members. Others include security firms, landscaping crews, event organizers, retail stores, manufacturing facilities, and many others. Visit this site to learn more about Peak Push To Talk and their business communication systems.