Pursue a Degree from the Top BBA LLB and LLM Colleges in Chhattisgarh

Law schools at the best BBA LLB colleges offer all five courses that are present in this profession. The above-mentioned, five courses are BA LLB Hons, BBA LLB Hons, B.Com LLB Hons, LLB, and LLM. Every course is different from the other but they're all connected by Law. The BBA LLB colleges help students enhance their skills and help them achieve great things in life.

After graduating senior secondary school, a lot of students wish to pursue law as a career because it has innumerable opportunities and the satisfaction of bringing justice to innocent people. The Amity Law School at Amity University Raipur offers all of these five programs with the best and modern education and technology.


The students should have a good reading speed. It is the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Law also known as BBA LLB Hons. It is an integrated course and students are awarded a professional degree on the completion of this course. The duration of this degree is between five to eight years. They can get jobs as legal advisors, teachers or lecturers, lawyers, etc. they can get appointed by high courts, private practices, district courts, or government firms. It is offered at the BBA LLB colleges.


A postgraduate degree in law is called an LLM, Master of Law. The LLM course offered at the best LLM colleges in Chhattisgarh is of two years duration. The course curriculum of the best LLM colleges in Chhattisgarh is designed in such a way that the law course is divided into four semesters. In the best LLM colleges in Chhattisgarh, candidates gain a very in-depth knowledge of a specific field of law by intensive research in that particular domain of law.


When they apply for an LLM course candidates have to select the law specialization in which they want to make their successful professional future. Aspirants can pursue a degree in LLM from the best LLM colleges in Chhattisgarh with a specialization such as competition law, business law, constitutional law, environment & media law, family law, administrative law, banking law, healthcare law, contract law, education law, environment law, cyber law, real estate law, mergers and acquisition law, international law, criminal law, administrative law, corporate law, commercial law, tax law, patent law, intellectual property law, civil law, and the list goes on.