Purpose Driven Youth Ministry: 9 Essential Foundations for Healthy Growth will provide principles to help create and maintain healthy youth ministries for the long run, centered around the principles of evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, ministry, and worship.

If you long to reach kids and see their lives changed by God, this comprehensive guide shows you how. Purpose Driven Youth Ministry is an indispensable guide to creating and maintaining youth ministry for the long run. It will help you create a solid spiritual team that builds the foundations of the Christian faith into the hearts and lives of young people. Forged around the fundamental purposes of evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, ministry, and worship, the author of Purpose Driven Youth Ministry, Doug Fields, uses the experiences of his church to illustrate what a healthy youth ministry can be.

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In my thirty years of professional youth ministry, I have not seen a leadership resource as valuable as PDYM. It is both rich in philosophy as well as practical, transferable ideas and illustrations. I heartily recommend it.

All youth workers will be forced to examine the foundations of their youth ministry as they turn these pages. This will bring the balance and focus to the next generation of youth ministry that we so desperately need!

Doug Fields is a top leader in the field of youth ministry. He understands what it means to be purpose driven and establish essential values for student ministry. Further, his clear communication skills allow him to provide practical applications that will take your ministry to the next level. I highly recommend this book.

Doug Fields provides a response that is philosophically sound, yet practical for any youth ministry setting. PDYM offers principles and strategies that make it a valuable tool in the classroom and the ministry of every serious youth leader.

Doug Fields has finally released the why book. This text will help youth ministers do fewer purposeless activities and more life-challenging discipleship. I will use it here at the seminary to help leaders gear up for a lifetime of ministry.

The essence of the purpose-driven paradigm is a strategy and structure that ensures equal emphasis to all five New Testament purposes of the church. Most churches, and most youth ministries, tend to overemphasize one of the purposes (evangelism, worship, fellowship, discipleship, or ministry) to the neglect of the others. This creates imbalance. But, as Saddleback and many other purpose-driven churches have proven, balance creates health and health causes growth. This book is about building a healthy youth ministry.

I believe the greatest days of the church are ahead of us. This is a wonderful time to be ministering to youth. Many of the concepts I used in building Saddleback Church were ones I discovered and developed when I was a minister to youth years ago. Student ministry is a great place to experiment with ideas that can bless the entire church.

I also want to thank my friends at Youth Specialties who have inspired and challenged me during the many years we have been together. Special thanks goes to Tic Long, who believed enough in me as a young youth worker to give me a platform to test my gifts. I am, indeed, a richer person for these relationships with my Youth Specialties friends. Also, thank you, Chap Clark and Marv Penner, for sharing your wisdom about family ministry.

Unfortunately, many in the church view youth ministry with that same mentality. They look for the one great player (youth worker) who can save the franchise (the youth ministry) and develop a winning team (volunteers) that will attract the fans (students). Once a great player is identified (either hired clergy or volunteer layperson), the owners (church board, selection committee, senior pastor) settle into other pressing affairs within the organization (church). This type of scenario usually results in a suicide mission for the star player. He or she charges in with enthusiasm and practices (works) endless hours trying to achieve success (lots of students and programs) to please the owners. But to please everyone the player has to run (often knowing not where) so hard and so fast for so long that he or she eventually tires and becomes injured (burns out) and has to be replaced (quits or is fired). At this point the owners get involved and look for another great player to bring the team out of the dumps. The cycle starts all over with no foundation to build on because the last great player felt the burden to win by her- or himself.

A purpose-driven youth ministry will have programs and structures that reflect these purposes. In the chapters that follow, nine essential components are used to develop a blueprint for building a healthy youth ministry. The five eternal purposes form the central component around which the others are constructed. These nine components, which all start with p for easy retention, are

The Purpose Driven Youth Ministry Online Course from Youth Ministry University is an extensive, 6-session course from Doug Fields, Josh Griffin & Katie Edwards. Learn the biblical and eternal purposes of the church and how they apply to your youth ministry!

Join Doug Fields, Josh Griffin & Katie Edwards in a 6-session adventure to help discover the biblical purposes for the church and how it applies to youth ministry. You completely own the course (no subscription fees) and can send it to as many of your church's volunteers as you would like!

The Purpose Driven Youth Ministry Training Kit is here to helpyou and your leadership team (both adults and student leaders)build a purpose driven ministry. Designed to prompt groupinteraction with you as facilitator this kit contains five sessionsfor your team. If you're starting a youth ministry, look here forfirm foundations. If you want to take your existing youth ministryto the next level, turn here for insights and applications that cantake your team a quantum leap forward. This clear andeasy-to-follow facilitator's guide walks you through each sessionso you can escort your team into discussion, discovery, andministry-transforming decisions. Get ready to cover more ground,reap more rewards, and have more fun building a trulypurpose-driven youth ministry than you ever dreamed! Build avigorous, purpose-driven youth ministry with these key concepts:Tap into the power of God - the foundation for any effectiveministry. Chart the course of your ministry - clearly with acarefully conceived statement of purpose. Identify your targetaudience - know your students' various spiritual levels and needs.Develop purpose-driven programs that reflect the biblical goals ofevangelism, worship, fellowship, discipleship, and ministry. Builda healthy leadership team whose members love each other as theylove students.

One more point that must be acknowledged at the outset of this project is that the authors do not represent the wide diversity of people who serve the kingdom of God in youth ministry, especially in terms of gender, race, and theological tradition. We know that there are many others who have important and distinct voices and perspectives on these and other positions discussed, and they deserve to be heard. The editorial decision, however, came down to the uniqueness of each of the authors and the followers they represent. Each author has a long, reputable, and, most important, well-known leadership ministry that is reected in his viewpoint and a global reputation that sets him apart. For the purposes of this book, our hope is that the reader will take this book for what it is, knowing that we realize this is a weakness.

We have added a web-based element to this journey as well. Baker Academic, in partnership with Fuller Theological Seminary, has created a website dedicated to this book, www.youthministry.fuller.edu. This site will not be limited to this book but will also include the forthcoming Adoptive Youth Ministry: Integrating Emerging Generations into the Family of Faith and other books and topics that move us to think differently about youth ministry. In addition, the website will offer several videos related to 21st Century Youth Ministry: Five Views as well as other youth ministry topics.

Adoptive Youth Ministry was not at all what I expected. Without doing much prior research on the book, I expected to set it on the shelf right next to Purpose Driven Youth Ministry (2000), Family-Based Youth Ministry (2004), Contemplative Youth Ministry (2006) and other books that put forth a valuable but specific philosophy of youth ministry. Adoptive Youth Ministry certainly puts forth a philosophy of ministry, but it attempts to show how the idea of adoption can and should impact all youth ministry philosophies. In the introduction, Clark explains that the book is meant to be a comprehensive commentary on several approaches to youth ministry. To this end, it is a compilation of twenty-three chapters written by twenty-five authors expounding on their particular fields of expertise and how they are understood through an adoptive lens. This sets up adoption to be a goal for all aspects and approaches to youth ministry. The result is a single volume that helps the reader filter and sort through many youth ministry philosophies, not just one.

I actually remember when The Purpose-Driven Church first launched. I was in college, working on my first degree. Everyone was reading it. By the time I graduated with my BA in History, Rick Warren was a household name in my white evangelical world. I didn\u2019t know much about him at the time. I didn\u2019t know that he had been preaching since he was a teenager, running youth crusades and being mentored by Billy Graham. I didn\u2019t know that W.A. Criswell (the former pastor of First Baptist Dallas who opposed Brown vs. Board of Education, btw) would have a study chair that would eventually become Rick Warren\u2019s study chair\u2014showing their ministry relationship. What I knew was that Rick Warren could grow churches. What I knew was that Rick Warren was gospel-centered. e24fc04721

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