As default, pulseaudio is installed as autostart for xfce4 desktop, I did try various methods to try to kill it, it always restart.

so I do the below

sudo mv /usr/bin/pulseaudio /usr/bin/

pulseaudio -k

After finish my work, I mv it back.

This file is a startup script and is used to configure modules. It is actually parsed and read after the daemon has finished initializing and additional commands can be sent at runtime using pactl(1) or pacmd(1). The startup script can also be provided on the command line by starting PulseAudio in a terminal using pulseaudio -nC. This will make the daemon load the CLI module and will accept the configuration directly from the command line, and output resulting information or error messages on the same terminal. This can be useful when debugging the daemon or just to test various modules before setting them permanently on disk. The manual page is quite self-explanatory, consult pulse-cli-syntax(5) for the details of the syntax.

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If the only profile you seem to have is "HiFi", this means that you are using ALSA Use Case Manager profiles instead of pulseaudio profiles. See PulseAudio/Examples#Disabling UCM/"HiFi" for information on how to get back to using pulseaudio profiles.

These two variables are the important ones in order for libpulse clients to locate PulseAudio if you moved its socket to somewhere else. See pulseaudio(1) for more details and other useful environment variables clients will read.

PulseAudio also uses window properties on the root window of the X11 server to help find the daemon. Since environment variables cannot be modified after child processes are started, X11 properties are more flexible because they are more easily changed because they are globally shared. As long as applications receive a DISPLAY= environment variable, it can read the most up-to-date values. X11 properties can be queried using xprop -root, or with pax11publish -d to read pulse-specific properties. pax11publish can also be used to update the properties from environment variables (pax11publish -e, or pax11publish -r to remove them entirely). If possible, it is recommended to let PulseAudio do it by itself using the module-x11-publish module or the start-pulseaudio-x11 command. The following table is there only for completeness, you should not ever need to manually set these variables by hand.

If you have applications that do not support PulseAudio explicitly but rely on ALSA, these applications will try to access the sound card directly via ALSA and will therefore bypass PulseAudio. PulseAudio will thus not have access to the sound card any more. As a result, all applications relying on PulseAudio will not be working any more, leading to this issue. To prevent this, you will need to install the pulseaudio-alsa package. It contains the necessary /etc/alsa/conf.d/99-pulseaudio-default.conf for configuring ALSA to use PulseAudio. Also make sure that ~/.asoundrc does not exist, as it would override the /etc/asound.conf file.

Here is a two examples where the first one is for ALSA and the other one is for pulseaudio. You can run multiple instances of it. Use the -w option to choose which of the control buttons to bind to the mouse wheel.

One useful tidbit from that page is that load-module module-device-manager should be loaded. This usually happens automatically at login through the script /usr/bin/start-pulseaudio-x11; if you find that the module is not loaded automatically you can consider adding it manually to a configuration file in /etc/pulse/ See #Switch on connect for possible conflicts with the module-switch-on-connect.

I'm reading and trying to understand why would anyone want to use Pulse Audio and I'm failing to understand.I read this -why-you-should-care-about-pulseaudio-and-how-to-start-doing-it, and I'm still not getting a convincing answer.I have a set up, with one sound card. ( I don't need to multiplex sounds from or to several sound cards).I know that all applications are written with different APIs, ALSA, OSS, JACK etc. So if I configure all those frameworks to route the sound through pulse audio, what benefit do I get, vs allowing all those frameworks talking directly to the sound card driver?In addition, I don't see that Pulse Audio has it's own Application API. So I need to choose a framework anyway (like ALSA).Thanks

Since introduction of Dmix in alsa, pulseaudio turned to be useless. Bare alsa with Dmix somehow enabled deep inside (I haven't have to set anything) works much better for me. For example, there is no delays while a sound level is being changed.

You don't. It's a piece of middleware that for most users is completely unnecessary. Most applications that need audio can use ALSA directly just fine. ALSA can handle things like basic multiplexing perfectly well (although it might possibly need a plugin). On my system, I don't have pulseaudio installed and I can play a video game and have music playing in the background from Rhythmbox, no problem. It works right out of the box with ALSA, no intricate setup required.

I would recommend to anyone that is experiencing any audio-related problems at all: first thing to try is tear out pulseaudio. I had some audio issues myself recently, took it out and they went away immediately.

Tbh, it's hard to think of a case where someone would actually need pulseaudio. For a 'typical' home system user that just wants the sound to work with their desktop applications, ALSA by itself is perfectly suitable. For a more advanced user that wants to do more complex audio tasks, or someone who needs professional quality audio, JACK is clearly what you want. Pulse, imo, seems to be rather bloaty and superfluous.

I posted about this a few days ago, and I thought I had fixed the issue but apparently not. I have installed pulseaudio, alsa-plugins-pulseaudio, dbus, and enabled the dbus service. According to the handbook page you shouldn't enable the pulseaudio service and just let pulseaudio start by itself when it needs to. For some programs I do get sound, but I suspect that's alsa doing the work. Oddly enough sometimes programs that usually work (Qutebrowser for example) sometimes do not. Also, Discord can't detect any devices.

I switched to pipewire from the start since I installed manjaro because when I was in another distro had crackling sound due pulseaudio and only pipewire fixed it (I had to restart pulseaudio constantly)

What I did.... stopped it from respawning because it couldn't find it....... right click the /etc folder in the file browser (open as root) create a new folder called pulseoff, then move the pulse folder into it (drag and drop). The system doesn't have the command to look there for it. If you want to start it again, cut it from the pulseoff folder, go up a step to the /etc folder and paste it there...... Some people like to make it out to be harder than it really is with editing files and stuff and mostly those edits don't work I tried them. Do it the easy way. I restarted the machine and checked the system monitor before posting this, pulseaudio is not running and sucking up memory.

The following setup creates the pulseaudio server unix socket at a place whereevery user can find it, and only accepts users that belong to the audiogroup. Data transfer of audio will happen via memfd shared memory.

I've the same problem since update xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin in 2.5.1 on Arch Linux stable. CSS doesn't change anything because it's the button size who is not correct and we can't change that by css but only in library code.

/etc/pulse/daemon.conf will configure this globally for every user on a linux computer.

$HOME/.pulse/daemon.conf will configure this on a user by user basis, and I believe this will over ride the /etc/pulse/daemon.conf in case one user wants a different setting than set in the global setting.

List available resample methods with pulseaudio --dump-resample-methods. Latest processors can use soxr resample-methods, which are supposed to offer better audio quality than speex based methods, but are more cpu intensive.

Nah, on a fresh KDE Plasma in Arch today, Pipewire is a dependency of of Kwin and pipewire-pulse a dependency of plasma-workspace (and a whole bunch other). KDE is seeking to replace pulseaudio with pipewre at some soon-to-be date.

As you can see, only pulseaudio is running. I prefer it for the efficient equalizers to produce decent sound for my home desktop machine. You can achieve those same effects in Pipewire, but Pulseaudio is what I am used to. And I am lazy!

I am using Audacity 2.0.5+svn20131103+r8090-0~r26~ubuntu13.10.1 amd64 Ubuntu 13.10 on real hardwaer. I install this version from deb -team/daily/ubuntu repository. I have installed pulseaudio 1:4.0-0ubuntu6 from the Ubuntu repository. My sound card is E-MU 0204.

Audacity is able to record from other applications through pulseaudio and record through a mic, but when I try to play sound from files using pulseaudio as the playback device (set to ALSA default), application recordings, mic recordings, Audacity plays the sound back too very fast.

I think it is easier to get reasonably low audio latency with ALSA. Configuring audio latency with pulseaudio is more difficult because it has many high-level concepts that interfere with low-level concepts. With ALSA, you only need worry about dmix.

So I have recently setup a new PC for KVM VGA Passthrough. I wanted to try out LookingGlass and was hoping to have the audio passed through to my Linux host speaks by way of pulseaudio. Sadly I cannot seem to get this to work. Also not sure where too put this but #helpdesk

The VM loads fine and there are no entries for pulse audio in syslog. I also enabled debug level logging in libvirt. That is the most furstrating part. There are no failures for pulseaudio. So I have nothing to work with.

In order to hear the sound, for the time being, I am passing the audio into the LINE IN of my Host sound card. Then using pulseaudio loopback module. I had to tweak the GAIN and volumes a tad but it works well enough for the time being. e24fc04721

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