The Secure Remote Access service using the Pulse Secure VPN client provides EPA employees, contractors and Business Partners the ability to connect to EPA resources while at an Alternate Work Location (AWL). The SSL VPN service using the Pulse Secure VPN client provides remote users with a safe and secure connection between the user's computer and the EPA network.

If I install Pulse Secure 9.1.15 version on mac manually it works, but when I am deploying via JAMF policy, it doesnt work, it is not picking up VPN URL and if I put the VPN URL and try to connect, it says failed to connect pulse service. Any help will be appreciated.

Pulse Secure Installer Service Download

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I took the .dmg file of Pulse Secure V9.1.15 from my network security team who have the access in vendor portal. I did a deep clean for old Pulse secure v9.1.11 and installed the .dmg file with normal snapshot method of composer. Do you think we should go for different way to package it? Some times if I run the .dmg file, under applications folder one corrupted icon of pulse comes which doesn't woks anymore. If I run my old policy to install v9.1.11 and then run the policy for Pulse v9.1.15 then it works. Dont know what is going on. Please let me know what is the best way to package Pulse Secure app and what are path is needed to capture to build the package.

Thanks @Princemachiavelli for the tip about openconnect. I ended up going on a rabbit hole and managed to get it to work based on this comment. It was stupidly simple and took all of 2 minutes as opposed to the 4 hours i wasted on trying to package pulse secure vpn client.

@Beinje Thanks for the reporting. Enabling the pulsesecure service in the package installation steps is discouraged due to permission issue. I'll change the after-installation message in future release to ensure that the service should be enabled.

I am running this package on EndeavourOS, with Gnome and X11.I have the same issue as @AshEnke, @amwalters, @xxmlud and others related to the message:GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name net.psecure.pulse was not provided by any .service files error message when running the program.

Alternatively, I have seen customers downloading the most recent pulse secure client directly from the following link - -download/. However, it is not a recommended pulse version for connecting with SRX series devices.

Transformation trends, like the growing number of endpoints whether managed or unmanaged with access to applications and data, are driving the need for the next generation of secure access solutions. Purpose-built for Pulse Secure advanced security services, the new Pulse Secure Appliance (PSA) Series offer comprehensive visibility into endpoints for faster troubleshooting and reporting, while driving more efficient network operations and connectivity, regardless of device, network, or location.

The sample responds to HTTP GETs and PUTs. The GET path is not relevant, but the PUT path first checks if the incoming requests checkcode POST param is equal to a hardcoded passcode. If this check passes the sample inspects the param hashid to determine if it's non-empty. If non-empty the sample displays a prompt to the user that includes hardware information and then base64 decodes the param hashid and checks it against pulsesecure. If this matches a recoveryToken is generated which is the MD5 hash of 16 random bytes, with the result hash truncated to 8 characters. This token is then displayed to the user via the URL -host/dana-na/auth/recover[.]cgi?token= and the sample exits. If this check did not match then the sample passes the base64 decoded data to a routine DSSafe::psystem which may execute shell commands, however this implementation is not provided and is speculation.

There are a bunch of crash reports in /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/ for the process dsAccessService which is kicked off by the LaunchDaemon /Library/LaunchDaemons/net.pulsesecure.AccessService.plist. Running the command the LD uses maunally as root results in a segmentation fault: 11. Seems to be a code issue in that backend service.

1. Download the pulsesecure client off of

2. Choose the latest version for your distro

 a. Debian/Ubuntu:

 b. Centos/RHEL: e24fc04721

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