[ PTO ]


We are a grassroots PTO, looking to make a big impact on our amazing Parker school. Our PTO is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that focuses on creating lasting memories for every child, showing support and gratitude for our 90+ staff, and raising funds to improve our school! 


The PTO's mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children and enrich their elementary school experience. The funds raised by PTO support enrichment programs, school improvements and community events. 

At Pioneer, our community events are funded by the PTO and FREE to attend. We do not charge at the door to attend events like the school dance and the end of year carnival. We raise funds in a variety of ways. Our year round fundraisers include Spirit Nights, Community Sponsorships (e.g., King Soopers give back program), Pack Partners and purchase programs like spiritwear, flower bulb and drinkware. We have two large fundraisers each year. In the fall we sponsor a Fun Run and in the spring we host a Silent Auction. 

We DO NOT do direct product sales fundraisers asking our kids (and let's be honest, the parents) go door to door to sell products in return for prizes and a portion of the profits. 


JOIN US at any of this year's PTO meetings. All meetings held either in the Pioneer library or conference room. We discuss ideas, initiatives, and events at Pioneer, and would love your input! 

Monday, August 12, 9am

Monday, September 16, 5:30pm

Monday, October 21, 9am

Monday, November 18, 5:30pm

Tuesday, January 27, 5:30pm

Monday, March 24, 5:30pm

Monday, April 14, 9am


The number one reason to join the Pioneer Elementary Parent Teacher Organization is to benefit your child while helping their school!

There are many great benefits of being part of PTO like:



Access all of our prior general meeting minutes HERE

PTO Direct Donation

As a PTO we pride ourselves in providing creative fundraising opportunities for our school. While many schools push families to sell items throughout the year, we strive to fundraise in various ways, providing multiple different ways to contribute!

If you'd like to donate to the PTO's efforts directly, please use this QR code/link to be directed to My School Bucks. https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/prdembd?ref=ZZHVZS5TX305OUU_ZZ619WINLTPULBR 

THANK YOU to all of our donors and families each and every year!

Staff Treat Trolly

We need your help to show our amazing teachers and staff just how much we appreciate all they do! One way we do this as a PTO is by stocking our "Treat Trolley" (our staff treat cart) with easy grab-and-go snacks, drinks, and treats. The cart makes its rounds to all classrooms and offices at least once a month, bringing a little extra joy and gratitude to our Timberwolves staff. We can't do it without your contributions!

Next time you're out shopping, please consider picking up an extra box of individually bagged chips, cookies, candy, a 12-pack of soda, or a pack of bottled water—or any individually packaged, shelf-stable goodies. Label your items "For PTO" and drop them off at the school office anytime.

Thank you for helping us support our incredible staff at Pioneer Elementary!

 Follow us on social media @PioneerElementaryPTO


Get in touch with us at PTOPioneerElementary@gmail.com