-Parent Teacher Organization 

The 24/25 School Year is HERE. 

Thank you to all of our Teachers, Staff and Family!!


Where parents, caregivers, teachers and staff come together to enrich education, engage

community and enhance connections.

Brookside Primary School is fortunate and proud to have an active PTO. 

Looking for Updates

Check out the Brookside Blast to keep up with events and news!

How can you Help

Parents participate in many different ways.  While for some parents, volunteering in their child's classroom each week is a good fit, for many others, simply coming and enjoying an event is the best way to participate in the PTO! 

Help financially support the TBPS Parent Teach Organization by donating now

Have some questions? 

Join us at our next PTO meeting! Held the second Thursday of the Month in the BPS Library. Start time is 6:30PM and last roughly an hour.  

Or feel free to call or text Rob Dabrowski at (802) 989-9363  or email me at robert.dabrowski@vermont.gov 

Donations to the PTO are always welcome.