PTO Nov 6th Newsletter
Oh! We're excited about Reeds Spring Night at Pizza Ranch tonight! It's an open house to the public, and the first 50 kids will receive a free FunZone Arcade pass sponsored by local district parents at Generations Bank in Kimberling City. We will also recognize some special volunteers of Reeds Spring Parent-Teacher Organization.
The PTO Facebook page is active! Check your settings to make sure you're following us to stay in the know.
Last week, we partnered with Sign Gypsies on some fun yard signs on campus!
Check out these volunteer opportunities listed on the volunteers page! The top three needs are:
Intermediate school dance shifts on Nov 10, Dogwood Canyon fundraising volunteer at the Bass Pro Shops 5k on Nov 11 and Primary School book fair volunteers in early Dec.
Updates: We will not hold a PTO general meeting in November previously scheduled for Nov 21. The December meeting will be moved from the 19th to the 12th. The Blackstone Grill Raffle drawing will be postponed until the end of the school year. There's still time to buy tickets.
The PTO Supports:
Opportunities for families and teachers to support students
School-based initiatives
Being in the know
Volunteer appreciation events
Teacher/staff appreciation events
Youth extracurricular activities
New programs in 2024!
A little more about Reeds Spring Parent-Teacher Organization:
The Reeds Spring PTO is a not-for-profit organization powered by families and community volunteers and sponsored by local businesses and individuals who are dedicated to serving our schools. Our mission is to be a service-focused powerhouse and advocate for the families & teachers in Reeds Spring Primary, Elementary and Intermediate Schools, grades K-6. Our purpose is to positively affect the educational opportunities of all students so they may become the best they can be. Our programs aim to include activities for all families, backgrounds, and areas of interest. Proceeds from our events or, sponsored-partner events, are typically shared with classroom needs, teacher appreciation and family programs, and our other school initiatives. Here is our website if you want to explore more about us!
Erica Abell-Holland
Learn about us!
Stay in the know!
Next Event: Nov 6th, 4-9 PM Open House RS Night at Pizza Ranch
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