PsyIAS: Psychology-informed
Information Access Systems

March 8th - in conjunction with WSDM 2024, Mérida, Mexico


The PsyIAS workshop bridges the disciplines of machine learning and psychology, aiming to connect the research communities of information retrieval, recommender systems and natural language processing with cognitive and behavioral psychology. It serves as a forum for exchanging ideas and engaging in multidisciplinary discussions about the use of psychological constructs, theories, and empirical findings for modeling and predicting user preferences, intents, and behaviors. In particular, research about incorporating such psychology-inspired models into the search, retrieval, and recommendation processes, and corresponding algorithms and systems, are in the focus of PsyIAS. On a more fundamental level, we are also interested in research that looks into the role of cognitive processes underlying human information access. 


The program and keynote talks of the workshop are now online.

Call for Contributions

We welcome full research papers (10-12 pages) and short position papers (4-6 pages)

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Full call for papers.

Important Dates
