
Curious about the results? If the theory is correct, younger people should find the "Fortune Telling" joke funny because it's about a topic that concerns them and possibly makes them a little anxious (in this case dating and marriage). Older folks probably gave higher ratings to the "Hard of Hearing" joke because as you get older your hearing becomes something you get concerned about.

Ratings from each participant are shown in the spreadsheet below. Scroll through and see if our prediction is supported by this data. NOTE: if you're on a mobile device the spreadsheet may not show. Tap here instead to see the results.

Results of Humor Study


  • Wiseman, Richard. Quirkology: How We Discover the Big Truths in Small Things. New York: Basic Books, 2007.
  • Instructor-only resources are available for this study on the Cengage Higher Ed Faculty Community in our Community Exclusive area here: Humor Study - Instructor Resources). This section of the community is for instructors only. If you do not have a Cengage account, feel free to contact Michael Britt ( to have a free account set up for you.

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