Jokes to be rated

Please read each joke below. After you read the "Fortune Telling" joke, rate it on the 1-10 scale. Then read the "Hard of Hearing" joke and rate it on the 1-10 scale. After rating both jokes click SUBMIT at the bottom of the questionnaire and then click Continue at the bottom of this page.

Fortune Telling: A husband stepped on one of those scales that tell you your fortune and weight and he dropped in a coin. "Listen to this," he said to his wife, showing her a small white card. "It says I'm energetic, bright, resourceful, and a great person." "Yeah," his wife nodded, "and it has your weight wrong too."

Hard of Hearing: A man in his late sixties suspects that his wife is going deaf, so he decides to test her hearing. He stands on the opposite side of the living room from her and asks: "Can you hear me?" No answer. He moves halfway across the room toward her and asks, "Can you hear me now?" No answer. He moves and stands right beside her and says, "Can you hear me now?' She replies: "For the third time, yes!"

Make sure to rate both jokes and click the SUBMIT button before clicking the Continue button.