A strong union community means a better future for PSU.

With a large, strong membership, together we can make change on campus for the benefit of students, staff, academic professionals, faculty, and the community at large. A healthy PSU is best for everyone!

A large, active membership makes for better gains at the bargaining table.

Cost-of-living adjustments, health insurance benefits, sick leave and the donated sick leave bank, higher salary minimums and pay equity pools, expanded Individual Professional Development Accounts, expansion of the Staff Fee Privilege (tuition waiver), disciplinary and grievances procedures, academic freedom protections... 

NONE of this is in the AAUP contract by accident. All of it was fought for by union members who came before us. Only a large membership can maintain these rights and benefits and make forward progress.

Membership has its privileges. 

While the PSU-AAUP community will protect all faculty and academic professionals covered by our contract, there are also many "members only" rights and benefits- all of them valuable, some of them financially beneficial. Check out the details below!

Membership Rights & Benefits