Particle Systems and PDE's X
This is the tenth edition of the meeting on Particle Systems and PDE's to be held at the University of Minho, from the 27th June to 1st July 2022. This is a special edition, dedicated to the memory of our dear colleague Maria Conceição Carvalho, a member of the Organizing Committee of the previous editions and a strong enthusiast of these events. This edition is also promoted by her research center, CMAFcIO, which kindly joined the organization of the event.
The idea of the meeting is to get together researchers from two different areas of mathematics, namely Particle Systems and Partial Differential Equations, and to present recent scientific results in both areas.
We expect the participation of a vast audience, including young researchers and PhD students, and we intend to present and exploit the interdisciplinary nature of mathematics, as well as, its applications in various areas.
Place: School of Sciences, University of Minho.
Room: Anfiteatro of the School of Sciences (Building 6, Room 0.43), University of Minho.
Date: 27th June to 1st July 2022.
Contacts: Please send an email to
Registration: Registration is needed up to the 15th of June (fill this form).
Organizing Committee
Cédric Bernardin (University of Côte d'Azur)
Eric Carlen (Rutgers University and CMAFcIO, University of Lisbon)
Patrícia Gonçalves (CAMGSD, University of Lisbon)
Rui Vilela Mendes (CMAFcIO, University of Lisbon)
Maria João Oliveira (Universidade Aberta and CMAFcIO)
José Francisco Rodrigues (CMAFcIO, University of Lisbon)
Ana Jacinta Soares (CMAT, University of Minho)
Local Organizing Committee
Ana Jacinta Soares
Invited Speakers
Anton Arnold (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Luis Caffarelli (The University of Texas at Austin, U.S.A.)
Silvia Caprino (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy)
José Antonio Carrillo (University of Oxford, U.K.)
Pierre Degond (Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse CNRS & Université Paul Sabatier, France)
Laurent Desvillettes (Université Paris Diderot, France)
Emanuele Dolera (University of Pavia, Italy)
Amit Einav (Durham University, U.K.)
Raffaele Esposito (Università degli Studi dell'Aquila, Italy)
Luís Simão Ferreira (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Ester Gabetta (University of Pavia, Italy)
Irene Gamba (The University of Texas at Austin, U.S.A.)
François Golse (Ecole Polytechnique, France)
Michael Loss (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, U.S.A.)
Rossana Marra (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy)
Amy Novick-Cohen (Technion IIT, Israel)
Stefano Olla (Université Paris-Dauphine-PSL and GSSI-L'Aquila, Italy)
Mario Pulvirenti (Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy)
Valeria Ricci (Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy)
Francesco Salvarani (Università di Pavia, Italy)
Gunter Schütz (CAMGSD, University of Lisbon, Portugal, and Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)
Ludwig Streit (Bielefeld University, Germany)
Bernt Wennberg (University of Gothenburg, Sweeden)
This is a joint organization by the Universities of Lisbon, Minho and Côte d'Azur.