PsExec is a handy command line tool for system admins to run commands and programs on remote computers through background or interactive remote sessions. In this article, we will look at the basic features and use cases of PsExec for remote command execution.

Your account must be a member of the local administrative group on the remote computer;The LanmanServer and LanmanWorkstation services must be running on remote host:get-service LanmanServer,LanmanWorkstationThe default Admin$ share must be enabled on the remote computer:net view \\DESKTOP-U97VIM5 /allIn a workgroup environment, you should also disable Remote UAC, which blocks remote access under local administrator accounts.

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Note. PsExec is often used by viruses and hackers to exploit security vulnerabilities and to take remote control of infected computers. This is why Psexec.exe may be detected by some anti-virus software as a malware, PUA (Potentially Unwanted Application) hacking tool, or a remote administration tool.

If you omit username the remote process will run in the same account from which you execute PsExec, but because the remote process is impersonating it will not have access to network resources on the remote system.

But when I run it to remote PC using psexec -i, it shows the dialog-box and also Powershell window, and runs under System account. This is all perfect except I do not want Powershell window to show-up. Because it will confuse user, and also user can close Powershell window that closes the timer.

psexec copies a psexecsvc file to the admin share and then using remote management starts up a service using that file. It opens up named pipes and uses that for further communication. When it's finished it tidies up after itself.

A solution would be to use an AutoIT script to log into your remote desktop on a schedule from your workstation. Have your "startup" folder execute your process via either a batch script or another AutoIT script (so that you can cancel if doing other work).This is not command line, but it does automate your work within the parameters that your sysadmin has given you. Hope it helps.

You might also need to open the firewall to RDP: psexec.exe \ipaddress -s netsh firewall set service RemoteDesktop enable

You can run the shutdown command without psexec: shutdown /m computername /r /t 0 /f

PsExec is a powerful command-line tool used primarily for remote administration and execution of processes on Windows systems. It allows system administrators and security professionals to execute commands or run programs on remote computers in a networked environment. Here are some common use cases for PsExec:

Remote System Administration: PsExec enables administrators to remotely manage and administer multiple Windows systems without the need for physical access. It allows them to execute commands, run scripts, install software, modify system configurations, and perform various administrative tasks on remote machines from a central location.

Software Deployment and Updates: With PsExec, administrators can remotely deploy software packages, patches, or updates across multiple computers simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful in large-scale environments where manual installation on individual systems would be time-consuming and impractical.

The seamless remote access PsExec enables from a source machine to a target machine is intensively abused by threat actors in the course of the lateral movement stage in cyberattacks. This would typically occur after the initial compromise of a patient-zero machine.

First, let's discuss how to run PowerShell commands on remote computers with the help of PsExec. This ability of PsExec might not be useful for people working in domain environments since they can use PowerShell remoting. However, it is still worth discussing as not everyone works in a domain. There are many small organizations that are still operating in a workgroup environment.

This command starts the PowerShell process on a remote web server. Then, the PowerShell process in turn runs the Get-Service command specified as a parameter. The command actually gets the status of the worldwide web publishing service on the remote webserver, and PsExec brings the result to your local computer.

PowerShell remoting is great since it allows system admins to run commands on remote computers. But PsExec can help you take PowerShell remoting to the next level, since it enables you to run PowerShell scripts on multiple remote computers. The following command shows how to execute a PowerShell script on a remote computer:

This command executes a PowerShell script (Get-CompInfo.ps1) on a remote web server; the script itself is stored in a network share. The -ExecutionPolicy Bypass parameter allows the PowerShell script to execute even if the execution policy on that computer is set to Restricted mode. To run the script on multiple computers, you can either use a file (with entries in the format @computer.txt) or specify a list of comma-separated computer names, as discussed in the How to use PsExec guide.

You will see a different error depending on the execution policy set on the remote computer. In Windows client operating systems (Windows 10, Windows 11, etc.), the default execution policy is Restricted, and in Windows Server operating systems (Server 2016, Server 2019, etc.), the default execution policy is RemoteSigned.

This error occurs because the PowerShell process (which is launched by PsExec on remote computers) complies with the execution policy before actually executing the script you specified using the -File parameter. Since you specified the script with the first parameter, it is blocked in the first place and the -ExecutionPolicy Bypass parameter isn't even considered. I hope this makes sense.

This is a simple PowerShell script that I use to perform unattended deployment of a few applications in my environment. The interesting thing is in the line number 7. Look how the call operator or ampersand (&) character is used to call PsExec from a remote share. This technique is particularly useful if you don't want to install PsExec on all computers. If you have PsExec set up on all computers, you can specify the complete local path to the PsExec executable.

We all know that PowerShell remoting requires manual configuration on remote computer(s) before you can start using it. In these cases, PsExec proves to be really useful. The following command enables PowerShell remoting on all the computers using the domain_computers.txt file that we created earlier:

Note that the command must be executed in the PowerShell console instead of the regular command prompt. The "\\$((get-adcomputer -filter *).name -join ',')" part uses PowerShell to dynamically build the computer names in a comma-separated list by pulling all computers from AD. It then feeds the list to PsExec to run whatever process you want to run.

When running the script on my host computer, it (obviously) displays a message box. No problem there. But whenever I run it through PSExec on my remote computer, nothing happens, as in no message box appears. But I do know it is executed because the task manager displays "AutoIt3.exe" (for the uncompiled) or "test.exe" (for the compiled version).

This might be embarrassing to say but the msgbox() function is the only line on my "test.au3". You see, I'm still learning how to execute programs on remote computers so I'm doing random simple test. What confuses me is that the script seems to behave differently when running on the host computer and on the remote computer.

My fault, sorry. But I must say that my original (and unchanged) topic is "Running a simple msgbox() on a remote computer using PSExec" so I was confused when both of you and November were asking if I were using PSExec (when I explicitly included the word "PSExec" on the title.

What are the environmental requirements for working with the PsExec utility? To run commands and processes remotely, it is necessary that the Server and Workstation services (Workstation and Server) function on the remote and local PC, and the standard Admin$ share must be available on the remote computer.

Depending on the way the security is configured on the remote computer, you may run into issues where even an administrator cannot install an application properly. For these cases, you need to run PSExec in the context of the system account.

PsExec or psexec.exe is a command-line utility built for Windows. It allows administrators to run programs on local and more commonly remote computers. It is a free utility part of the Sysinternals pstools suite built by Mark Russinovich many years ago.

Another popular use case of PsExec is to run commands under alternative accounts. By default, PsExec will attempt to connect to the remote computer under your currently-logged-in account. More specifically, it will impersonate your account on the remote computer.

Using the -u and optional -p switch allows you to connect to the remote computer with an alternative user account. PsExec will then encrypt both the username and password and send them to the remote computer for authentication.

To launch a remote command, specify the remote computer name and run the cmd application. Cmd is the Windows command interpreter. Since PsExec supports interactive use, it will gladly return a flashing cursor and a prompt. 006ab0faaa

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