You can use Extract Styles to get all the styles as layers, then copy / paste into the new project, then use Generate Styles to create styles from layers. There are some limitations with the text layers.

All the components and styles break even if you try to rebuild your backed up .fig files exactly like the original environment, including even setting up the same project names Everything results in extremely frustrating 404 errors. @Gleb made a super helpful plugin that helps reattach components but even this is still a per component experience that just is a total time waste. I am a HUGE fan of Figma but this one Figma problem is by far my least favorite thing about Figma and something that I have never seen with other design tools.

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But when the design is complete, we want to be able to migrate all styles and components to a separate file, so that it can be reused for both existing designs, and future features/products that live under the same brand.

How IN THE WORLD can I copy a text style or group of text styles from one file to another? I have the option to cut it, but then I get this weird bug that makes the cut style go away for good, even if I undo the CUT action and I have to recreate all the text styles again and assign them to each component, which is absolute madness.

Could not find the Global Selector. Also, the video mentions adding a class to the RT block, which I already had. Tried to add another class to it, though still could not find the Global Selector, nor could change any styles in the RT block.

One option that could be useful is to allow modifying the decoration of a text that has already been defined as a text style, because that way you do not have to create two or more text styles to simply add the decoration. As with alignment, it could be added below. thanks Captura de pantalla 2021-02-11 a las 18.40.30970566 14.4 KB

Yes, I would love if text styles could have overrides just like components. The connection to the style would remain, but the properties of weight, size, underline, italics, strike-through, line height, letter spacing, paragraph spacing, advanced type settings could be overridden. When a style is updated, any property not overridden would get automatically get applied and it would be possible to reset overrides.

Yes! Being able to override individual parts of a text style without breaking the link would be great, just as it works with components. At the very least decorations and capitalization transformations.

It seems odd to me that list style can be overridden but decoration not. So I wholeheartedly support the idea of making text styles overwritable in a similar fashion to components.

For those working with Material UI components that would also be a significant help as material component tend to side step typography line heights on a whim.

Twine offers several handy options when it comes to displaying text in particular ways. From straightforward bold or italics to more eye-catching animated effects, there are a whole range of features built right in and this tutorial will show you how to use them.

Any of the techniques used to select colours in my other tutorial will work just as well for this sort of thing, and (text-style: $variable) will allow you to set $variable to outline, smear, rumble, etc. to alter the style of any text you like mid-game. The only limit is your imagination!

Had the same Issue and was indeed using Batch Styler Plugin. Could be the cause.

Figma was not showing any changes made to the styles (Line Height). Fixed it by adding a strikethrough, doing a publish then removing it again with another publish. All done by the native interface. Then it updated and recognized the line height change as well.

Same thing is happening for us. In particular, all the text styles in our components become detached when we Combine the components as Variants. We keep loosing several hours of work as a result of this. @Figma_Support please please resolve this, it is immensely affecting our productivity.

I have updated a thread I started about this issue in a specific context (copying properties and pasting to a parent auto layout frame) with a response from @Figma_Support. Was curious if anyone was told something similar.

Sadly, the detached text styles happened to us to in one of the pretty large projects where putting all text styles back is almost impossible @Figma_Support is there any update on whether this issue will be fixed soon?

Use text styles in Storyline 360 to control the visual appearance of text elements, such as paragraphs and headings. Simply format each style with font and paragraph options so they look the way you want, and reuse the styles throughout your course for a consistent design.

As of November 17, 2020, Storyline 360 also supports live (real-time) previews of text styles for the selected text. Simply hover over your styles in the ribbon drop-down list to see how the selected text looks with each one.

Get details about each text style by glancing at its sub-menu in the ribbon drop-down list. The sub-menu header displays the style name, HTML tag (for improved screen reader navigation), font, size, and decoration.

Text styles are saved with the design theme in each project file. If you use more than one design theme in a project, each theme has its own set of text styles. Learn more about design themes and reusing text styles.

Starting with the December 2020 update for Storyline 360, you can create as many custom styles as you want. Create custom styles for every text element, such as blockquotes, button labels, image captions, and speech bubbles. You can even create light and dark versions of styles for different backgrounds in a course.

Older versions of Storyline 360 provided two default custom styles, called Custom 1 and Custom 2. If you used those styles in an existing project, you can now give them recognizable names using the steps above.

Text styles are saved with the design theme in each project file. A project can have more than one theme, and each theme has its own set of text styles. Here are a few ways to reuse your text styles in other themes or projects.

Text styles with bullet or number lists may not be copied or exported to a different application with the bullets or numbers intact. Follow these steps to convert styles with bullets or numbers to text:

Paragraph Styles have the option to add Next Style. Just click Enter(Windows) or Return(macOS)to add text in a different paragraph style. It also lets you apply different styles to multiple paragraphs with a single action.

Once you break the link between text and style, any changes to the style will not reflect in the text. If no text is selected when you select Break Link To Style, any new text you type uses the same formatting as the chosen style, but no style is assigned to that text.

Figma Community plugin - Change multiple text and color styles at once!Need to change values of multiple (text and color) styles at once but don't want to go through the process of changing each text style on its own?With Batch Styler you can do...

There is a workaround that actually works:

1- Cut the styles you want duplicate

2- Undo so you have your styles back (now the styles and folder structure are copied to your clipboard)

3- Paste the copied styles into a new Figma file then save the file

4- Close both files

5- Open both files again

6- Now you can edit the styles in the new file then cut and paste them into the original file

7- DONE!

Here is a screenshot showing that I have created all these text styles, but I have not used all of them in my design, so I want to delete the unused text styles at once.

Figma Text Styles12461906 90.4 KB

But if I want everything to be in library styles again (which I defined for mobile), I would have to select each part of the text and mark it as a style again, which is a huge job if you have a long text with a lot of style changes.

Currently the only way I can do it is to manually click the settings icon next to each text style and then search the font list with a text string, click on the font and then pick bold/regular again. Currently the template has about 38 text styles that need changing, so you can imagine how tedious this becomes in my workflow. Most clients use maybe 1-2 fonts and I can quickly bulk replace those with a few clicks.

There is a plug-in names Styler. Give it a go. You can extract existing text styles into layers, detach them, change font family on all layers in bulk and run Styler again to update existing text styles

Final Cut Pro comes with preset text styles (in 2D and 3D) that you can apply to text. A text style is a group of style settings. You can also create your own custom text styles and save them as presets. You apply preset text styles using the pop-up menu at the top of the Text inspector.

I am using Rover and have text blocks in which I use different text styles (h2, h3, and normal text). Squarespace adds ugly large blanks between the text lines that use different styles and I can't figure out how to remove these blanks.

The picture you posted is exactly how I would like it to look. I tried adding the CSS code you provided to my "Custom CSS" section, but it doesn't seem to change anything. How exactly did you get it to have the effect as shown on your picture? I tried targeting the specific text block by identifying its ID, but that didn't seem to do the job.

I am in a process of switching from AutoCAD and testing BricsCAD as the best replacement. However I bumped into an issue, quite important - fonts replacement. 

The project has started in AutoCAD and we have three text styles using shx fonts: complex, romans and romand. 

BricsCAD doesn't recognize them and use a default (unknown for myself) font. Which is not acceptable at this stage. Especially it doesn't have Polish chars and drawings have to look the same.

I have tried going to Styles => Edit Style and changing the font size in the dialog, then hitting Apply (then OK), but this only changed the style of the paragraph the cursor was in. How do I update all text with this style? 2351a5e196

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