Spring Snapshot Sampling

Tue May 7th - 8 am to Noon

The Partners of Scott County Watersheds and its members work to improve local water quality in a number of ways. Sampling our waterways is an essential component of monitoring water quality, the outcome of water quality projects, and for identification of new harmful inputs.

You can help us monitor local water quality by participating in snapshot sampling. Registration is required and limited.

Who Can Participate?

This opportunity is open to volunteers who are unfamiliar, familiar or trained in IOWATER sampling methods. Individuals who are not familiar with testing methods will be trained and accompanied by trained individuals the day of the event.

How Does the Event Work?

Volunteers meet at the Davenport Public Works Center to receive supplies, instruction, and team assignments, then disperse around the county to sample local waterways.

Volunteers collect data on transparency, water temperature, pH, Nitrite, Nitrate, Dissolved Oxygen, Phosphate, e-coli and Chloride. Data collection is very user friendly.

When teams finish sampling, they return their data to the Davenport Public Works Center where they are treated to free pizza in appreciation of their help.

What Happens to the Data Collected?

The data and samples collected provide a "snapshot" of the water quality in Scott County and is used to analyze and identify trends and issues in local water quality. Information collected helps the county, and cities within the county, to make decisions about water quality practices that might be installed or implemented as a result of the data.