I found where I could change the speed to make the homepage slide show go faster and read an old thread that said it does that on all the gallery slide show speeds...it does not seem to do so....I need the slide shows to run faster when selected in the individual galleries...

You can change the slideshow speed for all gallery styles (collage landscape, SmugMug, etc.) although the controls are rather buried. In a gallery, select CUSTOMIZE as Denise suggests, but then hover your mouse over the "Lightbox" entry in the menu bar that opens up a the right. A wrench will appear while you hover. Click it. A menu will open where you can change the slideshow speed. That works for the slideshow that appears when you hit the slideshow button from the basic gallery display, not just when you do so in the lightbox. If you do that for a gallery that is on the ALL GALLERIES template, the adjustment works for all the other galleries on the template. It will NOT change the speed for any gallery where you've selected the "+ Make This Gallery Custom" option. For those, you have to go to the galleries one by one, select Customize, then the Lightbox menu item wrench, and change the speed for that one gallery.

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What is FAST.com measuring? FAST.com speed test gives you an estimate of your current Internet speed. You will generally be able to get this speed from leading Internet services, which use globally distributed servers.

Why does FAST.com focus primarily on download speed? Download speed is most relevant for people who are consuming content on the Internet, and we want FAST.com to be a very simple and fast speed test.

How are the results calculated? To calculate your Internet speed, FAST.com performs a series of downloads from and uploads to Netflix servers and calculates the maximum speed your Internet connection can provide. More details are in our blog post.

What can I do if I'm not getting the speed I pay for? If results from FAST.com and other internet speed tests (like dslreports.com or speedtest.net) often show less speed than you have paid for, you can ask your ISP about the results.

So yeah, I think it would be cool if checkpoints also recorded the speed at which the checkpoint was reached during a run. This way, when re-running, you can keep track of both the timing and the speed, color-coding a gains and losses in speed between runs.

My Strava activities on my phone used to default to displaying distance, elevation gain, time, average speed, and MAX SPEED, but at some point with no warning or explanation it stopped displaying Max Speed and instead shows calories.

I have friends whose activity feeds still default to show both avg and max speed, while others show calories -- but nobody knows how or why that changed, and nobody knows how to change it.

Sure, I can click "view analysis" to see my Max Speed, but I don't want to do that. I want my activity feed to automatically display Max Speed. WHO CARES about calories (which of all the stats on Strava is basically a total joke & super inaccurate, anyway!)?

HOW can I change that? Strava does it for some people already (and used to do it for me), soooooo it's obviously possible. But I can't find any info anywhere!

With all due respect, I don't think you answered the question, @Bryant. The question was "HOW can I change that?". So, how can one see his/her maximum speed on the dashboard instead of calories? Is it configurable by the user?

Hm, OK. And yet some users I know personally show "Max Speed" as the default, while mine (and most others I know) shows "Calories." So if a user cannot modify/customize it, please explain WHY this difference exists? I can even provide screenshots. It's 100% the case, but nobody knows why.

Same here, I've just spotted my mates Strava on his phone screenshot this morning & his shows Max speed, but mine calories. I know he's not altered his. There must be some way to do this.

And he did same ride as me this morning.

Hi, I want the same functionality in my Nextcloud version 27 where upload speed must be shown in the progress bar, I have tried a lot and spent over a week, but no success. Please someone help me to achieve me to get this functionality.

I am new to Octoprint and have seen some users screens on YouTube that seem to show the printing speed. I suspect that this is the expected printing speed and not the actual real time printing speed. Is this correct? If so, is there interest in having real time printing speed values?

Can you provide a link (or two) to YouTube videos showing the "printing speed"? Can you provide some sample output from your hardware? Use a simple object like a small cube and provide the gcode file.

Hi there.

Here is the data from the USB port as captured using Arduino Com port monitor. I printed a 10mm x 10mm x10mm cube. The data is transmitted every 10.5mm of filament usage, from the spool. This means data is not sent every second but depends on the print job speed. I think this is still useful data though. (baud = 115200)

The print speed is predetermined by the slicer settings. I'm not sure realtime output is all that useful except to verify that the actual speed matches the requested speed but since the requested speed can be changed on each command, how useful is a sampled actual speed?

Print speed can vary from what the slicer sets, due to acceleration limits & stuff, and then even in the slicer it can vary the print speed from what you asked in relation to minimum layer time and extrusion limits. But then also someone might just be interested in seeing how fast the printer is moving now rather than theoretically from analysing the gcode.

I had an issue a while ago where the Kickr was showing an incorrect temperature (something like -200F) and never completing the spin down. Wahoo Support had me do a Factory Spin Down and that fixed the issue.

Yes. Starting with rsync version 3.1.0 the --info=progress2 argument will give you progress on the entire transfer, including speed of the entire transfer. You can see a little bit of detail on the rsync man page.

i just bought the Garmin Cadence 2 (nice tech) added Garmin connect to my smartphone,(err i guess..) hit the road and ..... nothing. What the *** is that? The rides appear in my online account stupidly afterward, but i cant see my cadence and speed in the app when im riding.

Last night shooting in aperture priority on my X100f, my shutter speed info wouldn't display -- not on the EVF, LCD, or OVF. The aperture, ISO, exposure comp., and other info I had selected for in the display settings were all there, but when I'd press the shutter halfway to check exposure, no shutter speed. When I turned the shutter speed dial to a specific speed, it would then display, but going back to the "A," it would not reappear.

I don't know about the X100F, but on the ILC Fujis you won't get calculated shutter speed and/or aperture displayed if you've got either DR-Auto or Auto-ISO enabled. Except that if you have Auto-ISO but not DR-Auto, and are in P mode, then they'll show up so you can program-shift.

If my memory serves me right, this window also showed the download speeds as well (this was in previous versions of Safari when it used to be a separate window). But I can not figure out how to bring up the downloads speeds.

After reading this thread and with the reproducibility described here, I started to believe that this is a bug. In this thread OS X users complain that sometimes download speed is visible and sometimes not.It was suggested to completely quit Safari, open terminal and execute:

I believe that the downloads popover-window has a fixed width, and if there room for the download speed it will show it, but if there isn't enough room it won't show it. In most cases though, it will show the speed if you close the window and open it again.

In December 2021, Watkins took part in a Twitch "e-dating" livestream show hosted by Adin Ross. The exchange between Watkins and another participant, Ash Kash, escalated to what was widely interpreted as a rape threat. Watkins was the first contestant to be eliminated, and shortly after the game had ended, he quickly rejoined the Discord call and started sexually harassing Kash, slurring her repeatedly. Watkins was then kicked out of the call, with Ross apologizing to Kash for his behavior. Watkins was later banned from Twitch.[1][11] According to a Twitter post by him, Watkins was banned for "sexual coercion or intimidation."[12][13]

I was also thinking of the use-cases for avg speed even in racing. Especially for just oneself, being able at a glance to know in a crit race where your average speed is at the completion of each lap, etc. And likewise easily knowing how this compares to your past efforts. IRL, there are a lot more variables that make avg speed less valuable (especially things like wind). For the same course in Zwift, we have the advantage of all environmental factors being a constant.

I am trying to add controls to a video.js player to allow the user to change the playback speed. According to their documentation, I should be able to pass an array with the playback rates I want to offer to the user. For instance: playbackRates: [0.5, 1, 1.5, 2].

I have found this similar question who suggests doing exactly what the doc says. This answer links to a snippet which many have claimed that works. Unfortunately, this snippet does not show any controls to change playback speed. Here is what I see when running the snipped. I tried implementing a simple player with playback speeds on my own and it does not allow me to change playback speed:

upload/ download speed in the task bar is a very good feature that your app lack beside all the useful features it has. a toolbar or just the numbers that shows the current speed like networx is so much in need.

We would like to use our album from Prime photos as the default background but have the image change much more quickly. Basically we want it to turn on and start working just like a photo frame including starting over when the album is done. Being able to set the photo change speed through preferences would be great. 17dc91bb1f

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