The only thing I could see is them changing the whole ba spell + action spell to instead be ba spell and magic actions. But that would also mean using a magic item would stop you using BA leveled spells.

Some say its performance is like magic; we say its excellent design. The Magic Action from Ebonite is the perfect complement to the Magic and Magic Touch, designed with more length in mind. We use the Flexol Super Plus Reactive coverstock and combine it with the Magic Symmetric Mass Bias Core and the results are mind blowing. The Magic Action provides supernatural pin action every time.

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Livewire actions are methods on your component that can be triggered by frontend interactions like clicking a button or submitting a form. They provide the developer experience of being able to call a PHP method directly from the browser, allowing you to focus on the logic of your application without getting bogged down writing boilerplate code connecting your application's frontend and backend.

When wire:confirm is added to an element containing a Livewire action, when a user tries to trigger that action, they will be presented with a confirmation dialog containing the provided message. They can either press "OK" to confirm the action, or press "Cancel" or hit the escape key.

When the button is clicked in the above example, the custom-event event is dispatched and bubbles up to the root of the Livewire component where wire:custom-event catches it and invokes a given action.

To prevent this scenario, Livewire automatically disables the submit button and all form inputs inside the element while a wire:submit action is being processed. This ensures that a form isn't accidentally submitted twice.

Livewire allows you to pass parameters from your Blade template to the actions in your component, giving you the opportunity to provide an action additional data or state from the frontend when the action is called.

For example, let's imagine you have a ShowPosts component that allows users to delete a post. You can pass the post's ID as a parameter to the delete() action in your Livewire component. Then, the action can fetch the relevant post and delete it from the database:

Action parameters should be treated just like HTTP request input, meaning action parameter values should not be trusted. You should always authorize ownership of an entity before updating it in the database.

As an added convenience, you may automatically resolve Eloquent models by a corresponding model ID that is provided to an action as a parameter. This is very similar to route model binding. To get started, type-hint an action parameter with a model class and the appropriate model will automatically be retrieved from the database and passed to the action instead of the ID:

You can take advantage of Laravel's dependency injection system by type-hinting parameters in your action's signature. Livewire and Laravel will automatically resolve the action's dependencies from the container:

To make this pairing even more powerful, Livewire exposes a magic $wire object to Alpine that can be treated as a JavaScript representation of your PHP component. In addition to accessing and mutating public properties via $wire, you can call actions. When an action is invoked on the $wire object, the corresponding PHP method will be invoked on your backend Livewire component:

For even more power, invoked $wire actions return a promise while the network request is processing. When the server response is received, the promise resolves with the value returned by the backend action.

In these cases, rather than writing the actions inside your Blade template or another file, your component action may return the JavaScript function as a string. If the action is marked with the #[Js] attribute, it will be callable from your application's frontend:

Livewire provides a set of "magic" actions that allow you to perform common tasks in your components without defining custom methods. These magic actions can be used within event listeners defined in your Blade templates.

The $event action may be used within event listeners like wire:click. This action gives you access to the actual JavaScript event that was triggered, allowing you to reference the triggering element and other relevant information:

Sometimes there might be an action in your component with no side effects that would change the rendered Blade template when the action is invoked. If so, you can skip the render portion of Livewire's lifecycle by adding the #[Renderless] attribute above the action method.

As you can see, when a user scrolls to the bottom of the post, incrementViewCount() is invoked. Since #[Renderless] was added to the action, the view is logged, but the template doesn't re-render and no part of the page is affected.

Remember that any public method in your Livewire component can be called from the client-side, even without an associated wire:click handler that invokes it. In these scenarios, users can still trigger the action from the browser's DevTools.

Remember that a malicious user can call delete() directly from a JavaScript console, passing any parameters they would like to the action. This means that a user viewing one of their posts can delete another user's post by passing the un-owned post ID to delete().

Consider the BrowsePosts example that we previously discussed, where users can view all posts in your application, but only administrators can delete posts. In the Always authorize server-side section, we made the action secure by adding server-side authorization. Now imagine we refactor the actual deletion of the post into a dedicated method like you might do in order to simplify your code:

Typically when people sign up they are expecting the magic login to complete so a 1 hour duration seems fine. For my apps, we have a staff table that holds contact details and admins invite staff to join as users as required.

Then some additional logic on the page to generate a magic login link once the code is verified and navigate to that new link. Would prob require a workaround by pinging your own app via API connector so it can return a magic login link (Only works in backend)

For those wanting to create workflows for new users without needing to creat a new page, simply add a new yes/no data-type to the user that checks if they are brand new. If true then do the action you want. No need for specific urls or any of that jazz.

Unless stated otherwise, activating a use-activated magic item is either a standard action or not an action at all and does not provoke attacks of opportunity, unless the use involves performing an action that provokes an attack of opportunity in itself. If the use of the item takes time before a magical effect occurs, then use activation is a standard action. If the item's activation is subsumed in its use and takes no extra time use, activation is not an action at all.

When you need to activate a magic item, most tend to be a standard action, but some are not. How can you tell/know when the magical effect is suppose to occur? Yes most items to mention what their action cost is, but its when creating new ones that dont have that built in description.

Most things are supposed to occur on activation. Your wand should fire when you point, your magical mace grows spikes when you tell it to, your armour starts turning into bees when you command it to, your potion does its thing when you chug it, and so on.

Those that don't are anything that is "subsumed in its use", which is to say occurs during another action. Such items would include 'kicker' items that boost something else without being actively 'used' or magical weapon properties that occur upon hitting a target.

A good example here would be the Book Of Extended Summoning , which allows the user to apply an effect to a spell as they are casting it and therefore are just consumed as part of the spell, therefore not taking any action to engage.

I tried adding the one line of yaml to my workflow, but everything is still downloaded from How is nix supposed to know about the local binary cache daemon? Do we need to configure this explicitly when not using the DS action to install nix?

Nice! I was about to switch one of my projects to it, but then reminded myself that I already have cachix intergration in that project (which I want anyways). There is probably little point adding the magic-nix-cahe-action in that case, is there?

Hello all, so I've been planning out a character who uses this feat for ranged thieving and hits with it for giggles. I'm trying to understand how the action economy of using the spell with these applications should be handled. Here's the relevant text:

I mean yes, I know that, but that has nothing to do with the questions I asked...Since you brought it up though, there are ways around that. Cast it, in a private area, then move to the person you want to use slight of hand on while concentrating on the spell, take one of the feats or abilities that allows for hiding casting, have some distraction that diverts attention etc. etc. That is all assuming you don't have a GM that doesn't make spells manifestations a problem.

Based on the way Mage Hand is written the effects of it happen as part of concentrating, and its movement as part of a seperate move action. Otherwise the spell would be quite literally unusable as intended.

I can see an argument being made for each requiring a move action per the spell's "As a move action, you can propel the object as far as 15 feet in any direction" but as the specific feat's text is listing uses for the spell and doesn't refer to that text as being a part of the 'doing' for those applications I don't think that makes sense.

Magic Trick each trick with Mage Hand involves a casting of the spell.

The Magic Trick "Choose one spell. You are able to manipulate that spell beyond its typical uses." thus the action is part of the standard action of maintaining concentration thus it is a standard action or longer (if the action takes longer). The feat changes the uses of the spell as described in each option and a few state it is a casting of Mage Hand (not continuing concentration). 9af72c28ce

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