Hi, I'm Ivan.
I am Junior Research Group Leader of the Young Investigator Group ”IT Security in Energy Systems” and member of the Chair of IT Security at the Brandenburg University of Technology.
Email: firstname [dot] lastname [at] b-tu.de
Research interests
Intrusion detection systems (IDS) for critical infrastructures, secure cyber-physical systems, artificial intelligence / machine learning for traffic analysis, honeypots, and privacy enhancing techniques.
Cryptography and its applications to privacy-preserving protocols, in particular e-voting protocols.
Recent publications
"DeVoS: Deniable Yet Verifiable Vote Updating", with Johannes Müller, Balázs Pejó. To appear in PoPETs 2024.
"SoK: Secure E-Voting with Everlasting Privacy", with Thomas Haines, Johannes Müller, Rafieh Mosaheb. PoPETs 2023.
"A framework for constructing Single Secret Leader Election from MPC", with Michael Backes, Pascal Berrang, Lucjan Hanzlik. ESORICS 2022.