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PRactice of VENTilation in Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (PRoVENT–COVID) – rationale, study protocol and statistical analysis plans for a national multicenter observational study in the Netherlands


PRoVENT–COVID provides a detailed description of various important ventilation variables and parameters, adjunctive treatments for refractory hypoxemia, and outcomes in 22 hospitals in the Netherlands.


Consecutive patients were eligible for participation in the PRoVENT–COVID if they were admitted to one of the participating ICUs and had received invasive ventilation for respiratory failure related to COVID–19.


PRoVENT–COVID was conducted according to the ICH–GCP guidelines; the PRoVENT–COVID database contains granular data of > 40% of all invasively ventilated COVID–19 patients in the Netherlands.

participating hospitals; enrollment stopped at June 1, 2020

Since start of the project, the PRoVENTCOVID collaborative group published 20 reports in peerreviewed journals.