Purpose:  Photon involved-field radiotherapy (IFRT) is the standard-of-care radiotherapy for patients with leptomeningeal metastasis (LM) from solid tumors. We tested whether proton craniospinal irradiation (pCSI) encompassing the entire CNS would result in superior CNS progression-free survival (PFS) compared with IFRT.

Background:  To determine if proton radiotherapy (PT), compared to intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), delayed time to cognitive failure in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma (GBM).

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To ensure a clean galactic sample, contamination of solar particles from solar flares has been avoided, discarding bunches of data taken during major solar particle events (a list of these events is reported in Adriani et al. 2017). Other short-term effects on GCRs, like Forbush decreases, caused by coronal mass ejections passing through Earth, have been removed, even if their impact on the proton intensities appears negligible for most events.

In Figure 1, the daily proton intensity time profile J(t) for the aforementioned rigidity intervals is shown. The large gaps in the data (between 2010 and 2011) are due to periods in which the instrument was not fully operational. Different phases of the solar cycle are visible in the shape of the intensity profiles: from 2006 to January 2009 the twenty-third solar cycle comes to an end and the proton flux slowly increases due to a stable condition of the heliosphere, as already described in Adriani et al. (2013). After 2010, the activity of the twenty-fourth cycle gradually rises and the proton flux decreases accordingly.

In addition to the expected overall trend, almost disappearing after 15 GV, the low rigidity profiles present some small and regular peaks, mostly during the descending phase of the modulation cycle. In order to highlight these peaks, a fit of the proton flux J(t) has been performed to try to disentangle possible high frequencies in the proton data from the well known undecennial modulation. Two distinct third-degree polynomials, in the form {f}^{3}(x)=a+{bx}+{{cx}}^{2}+{{dx}}^{3}, one for the data during the ascending phase J1(t) and another for the descending one J2(t), have been used. This approach ensures a statistically good compromise between the number of free parameters and precision. The fluctuations 1(t) and 2(t) between the experimental data of the two solar phases and the results of the respective fits f3(t) were evaluated without taking into account the period around the maximum:

Each of the two samples, (a) and (b), has been further separated in two sections, according to whether the protons were collected during the ascending phase of the solar modulation cycle or the descending phase:

For a uniform distribution of the protons along the Earth orbit, a value of D = 0, within errors, is expected. D results are always positive with a very large signal-to-noise ratio (S/N = D/total) for each phase and each energy interval. The excess of protons in sector (a) with respect to those in sector (b) is evident, especially for the two lowest energy ranges.

Proton density (PD) weighted images are related to the number of nuclei in the area being imaged (number of hydrogen protons), as opposed to the magnetic characteristics of the hydrogen nuclei. They are produced from the first echo. Proton density weighted images result when the contribution of both T1 and T2 contrast is minimized. They have a long TR (2000+ms) to minimize T1 differences because all tissues exhibit full longitudinal relaxation before the next 90 degrees RF pulse. They have a short TE (TE1, 20ms) to minimize T2 differences. Higher proton density tissues appear brighter (CSF > fat > gray matter > white matter).

In musculoskeletal imaging, TR is more than 1000 msec and TE is less than 30 msec. It provides good anatomic detail but little overall tissue contrast. In the cervical spine, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) has slightly higher intensity than intervertebral discs in proton density images 2.

We look at the hydrogens in pairs. An enantiotopic pair of protons will produce different chiral configurations on substitution. Looking at the example above, substitution of one of the protons creates an R center; substitution of the other creates an S center. We either have an R center or an S center. These are both opposite chiral configurations of each other, which means enantiomers.

Moving on to the second example of diastereotopic protons: we are examining the proton set next to the chirality center. Diastereomers are two molecules that have the same formula, but their chirality centers have different configurations. If their configurations are completely opposite, we have enantiomers. In the case above, we end up with either an R,S or R,R product of chlorobutanol. These are two molecules with the same formula, but their chirality configurations are different; hence, they are diastereomers. If they were enantiomers, they would need to be complete opposites, eg. an R,S product and an S,R product.

Summary of target volume coverage, heterogeneity index, and dose to organs at risk for proton plans calculated with pencil beam algorithm (PBA), recalculation of PBA plan using Monte Carlo (MC), re-optimized plan using MC and fixed RBE, and re-optimized plan using MC with variable RBE among 8 mediastinal lymphoma patients with free-breathing CT simulation scans (left 4 columns). Comparison plans on deep inspiration breath hold (DIBH) scans with optimized PBS plan using MC versus photon techniques. Median volume or dose with interquartile range (IQR) in parentheses. Pair-wise dose differences were compared using a Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Significant p-values (

Comparison of dose (mean and maximum) to cardiac substructures between proton plan with free breathing (FB), protons with deep inspiration breath hold (DIBH), and photons with DIBH. Proton plans were optimized with Monte Carlo dose algorithm and calculated with a variable relative biological effectiveness (RBE)

Paired scatter plot of dose to lung (mean, V5, V20) and heart (mean) for each patient from photon DIBH, proton free breathing, and proton DIBH plans. For proton plans, MC was used for optimization and final dose calculation. Individual patient data is plotted in triangles and light green. Mean dose difference is represented by circles and medium green. Median dose difference is represented by squares and dark green

Paired scatter plot of mean dose to cardiac substructures for each patient from photon-DIBH, proton free breathing, and proton DIBH plans. For proton plans, MC was used for physical dose optimization and vRBE was applied for final dose calculation. Individual patient data is plotted in triangles and light green. Mean dose difference is represented by circles and medium green. Median dose difference is represented by squares and dark green

All matter is made from atoms. Every substance (oxygen, lead, silver, neon ...) has a unique number of protons, neutrons, and electrons.Oxygen, for example, has 8 protons, 8 neutrons, and 8 electrons.Hydrogen has 1 proton and 1 electron.Individual atoms cancombine with other atoms to form molecules.Water molecules contain two atoms of hydrogen H and one atom of oxygen Oand is chemically called H2O.Oxygen andnitrogen are the major components ofairand occur in nature asdiatomic (two atom) molecules.Regardless of the type of molecule, matter normallyexists as either a solid, a liquid, or a gas.We call this property of matter the phase of the matter.The three normal phases of matter have unique characteristics which are listed on theslide.

As we move backwards in time towards the moment of creation, prior to one hundredth of a second, the Universe becomes hotter and denser until matter actually changes its phase, that is, it changes its form and properties. An everyday analogue familiar to all is simply water.


 With increasing temperature we see a succession of phase transitions for water in which its properties change dramatically: the solid phase - ice - melts to the liquid phase - water - and then eventually boils to the gaseous phase - steam. You should notice that steam is 'more symmetric' than water, which is in turn more symmetric than ice (Can you see why? You can find an explanation below...). And so it is with matter in our Universe; it begins in a unified or 'symmetric' phase (as we will explain below) and then passes through a succession of phase transitions until, at lower temperatures, we finally obtain the matter particles with which physicists are familiar today: electrons, protons, neutrons, photons etc..

Si trattano i recenti risultati sperimentali attorno a 10 MeV ottenuti a Berkeley e Los Alamos in termini di un'analisi degli spostamenti di fase indipendenti dall'energia, completati da un'analisi dello sviluppo del raggio effettivo degli spostamenti di fase1S0. Si conferma la dipendenza dallo scambio di un pione ma si trova un'anomalia attorno a 10 MeV. Si indica e si discute la necessit e l'accuratezza di un ulteriore ricerca sperimentale.

The neutron is a subatomic particle, symbol n, with no net electric charge and a mass slightly larger than that of a proton. Protons and neutrons, each with mass approximately one atomic mass unit, constitute the nucleus of an atom, and they are collectively referred to as nucleons.

The catalyst and ionomer particles are dispersed in a solvent and mixed to optimize aggregate size and the contact between the ionomer and the catalyst particles. In general, smaller ionomer aggregates, from 200 to 400 nm in size, are beneficial for better H2/air performance2. The carbon-supported catalyst, however, can be under- or over-dispersed. When under-dispersed, the carbon remains highly agglomerated; the ionomer only coats the exterior of the agglomerates and the interior Pt catalyst are not accessible to protons and are therefore under-utilized. When over-dispersed, agglomerates break apart and Pt particles separate from the carbon support, which prevents them from being active in oxygen reduction reactions. The ideal dispersion produces small agglomerates of carbon-supported catalyst particles that promote uniform distribution of the ionomer on the agglomerate and better catalyst utilization.3 006ab0faaa

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