Common Types Of Workplace Accidents & Injuries

An on-the-job injury is painful and expensive for the workers. It not only just injures the workers, but also affects their pay cycle and pocket. Each day hundreds of workers die and thousands got injured in work-related accidents. Many people have a misconception that only construction jobs are responsible for workplace injuries. They think that due to the involvement of construction material and heavy machinery, only such jobs have chances of workplace accidents. But it is just a myth.

Each type of workplace remains at risk of workplace accidents. From minor to major, it is impossible to ignore workplace injuries. However, with proper organization, safety measures, and training for the workers, it is possible to prevent the risk of workplace accidents and injuries to a great level. The most common thing that companies do for the safety of their workers provides them insurance. Workers' compensation benefits help the injured workers deal with work accidents and related injuries. But to get the compensation, the injured workers have to check whether they are eligible for the benefits or not. There are diverse worker's compensation attorneys in Key West that help workers know their eligibility. They provide the best services to the injured workers so they can get compensation for their injury and loss.

The knowledge of different types of workplace injuries and accidents also helps the workers know whether they should apply for the compensation claim or not. Some types of work accidents and injuries that are common and for which workers are considered eligible are:-

Defective Machinery Accidents:-

Workplace accidents that result due to defective machinery are very common. Many times businesses fail to maintain their machinery. The results of over usage of the machinery even when it is least cared for and maintained not only just affects its durability but also increases the need for quick repair and the chances of workplace accidents.

Due to poorly maintained or heavy machinery in the workplace, workers have to suffer traumatic injuries such as paralysis, crushed limbs, brain injuries, broken bones, spinal cord injuries, amputations, or other serious injuries.

Slips, Trips, and Falls:-

Slips, trips, and falls are other common workplace accidents and injuries. These are the type of accidents that can be deadly for the workers. The injuries of slips, trips, and falls have no limit. Such type of workplace injuries can range in severity and even becomes the cause of a major accident. Slips, trips, and falls are accidents that often occur due to unorganized work areas and slippery surfaces.

To avoid the risk of such accidents, employers have to make sure that their work area is well organized, clean, and maintained. The common injuries that result due to Slips, trips, and falls are fractures, neck injuries, broken bones, hand or wrist injuries, sprains, and brain injuries.

Car/Vehicle Accidents:-

Many workplaces remain occupied with heavy machines and vehicles such as cranes, tractors, etc. Such workplaces need high attention and precautions at each step; otherwise, they lead to car/vehicle accidents that can even result in severe injuries or even deaths. Car/vehicle accidents can be due to distracted driving, reckless driving, inattentive driving drowsy driving, and aggressive driving.

Whether a worker got injured on the way to work, while performing any work-related task, or being at work, each worker is eligible to file for workers' compensation benefits. With the purpose to get the maximum compensation benefit and make the claiming process easy, injured workers hire worker's compensation attorneys in Key West. Hiring such professionals to help the injured get the right medical treatment along with the compensation they deserve.

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