Protect your WiFi with a strong password

Generally, a rule of thumb is changing your WiFi password once every three months, which is a good interval for your passwords for other sensitive technological devices. Another good habit to develop is choosing more complex passwords that can't be easily hacked. Think of a WiFi password you would like to use and then follow our tips to set up a reliable password that will be a great challenge to hacker attacks.

#1 A longer WiFi password

Try to make your WiFi password at least 8 characters long. In this case the longer, the better. Longer passwords are always harder to crack. Also choose the password that hasn't been used recently.

#2 Make it random

Even a very long password can be rather useless if you just copied it out of a dictionary. Hacking software goes through the dictionaries in milliseconds and will easily crack your password. Add random letters, symbols, numbers and mix them up with upper and lowercase letters.

#3 It's OK to misspell your password

Just make sure to remember how exactly you misspelled it :). Any regular expression can be turned into something unique by switching things up a little. For example for your "I am obsessed with Game of Thrones" password use such form as "IM_ow_GoT" or substitute the phrase "I Love my four legged friends" with "1LUVmy4lgdFRNDS!".

#4 Don't use these WiFi passwords

Make sure to never use such combinations as "abc1234", "123456789", "password", "qwerty", "111111", "admin", "administrator", "iloveyou" or "aaaaaa". Every WiFi cracking software will go through these first.

Check for more information here: How to protect your network with a WiFi password.