Mild Protan and Strong Protan Color Blindness

Protan Color Blindness

Color Blind Test is a relatively familiar disorder that often goes undiagnosed because you do not recognize you aren’t noticing colors as other people do. Yet examining for color blindness is easy — doesn’t even need a trip to the eye physician.

There are other causes of color blindness. For most color blind individuals their disease is genetic, generally inherited from their parents, although some individuals evolve color blind as a consequence of additional diseases such as diabetes and multiple sclerosis or it can be achieved due to aging or from consuming drugs and medicines.

There are various types of color blindness and in quite rare cases people are incapable to notice any color at all, but most color blind individuals are incapable of fully ‘seeing’ red, green, or blue light. In this writing, we will consult protan color blindness and its type.

Working of Color Blind Eye

Our capacity to notice with color vision relies on the presence and operation of light-sensing pigments in the cones of our eyesight. Color blindness, or color vision deficiency, occurs when one or more of these cones don’t function.

When the elongated wavelength-sensing pigments of the eyesight are missing or don’t operate rightly, it yields a type of color blindness named protan color blindness.

What is Protan Color Blindness?

Mild protan and Strong protan color blindness

Protans are individuals with protanomaly, a kind of red-green color blindness in which the red cones do not see sufficiently red and are too susceptible to greens, yellows, and oranges.

As a result, greens, yellows, oranges, reds, and browns may seem similar, particularly in low light. It can also be hard to tell the dissimilarity between blues and purples, or pinks and grays. Red and black might be challenging to tell apart, particularly when red text is against a black background.

How do the Cones of the Eyes Produce Color Vision?

Inside the wavelength cones of the eyes are specific substances, called photopigments, that sense distinct wavelengths of light.

Short wavelength cones (S-cones) sense blue, medium wavelength cones (M-cones) sense green, and long wavelength cones (L-cones) sense red.

As said before, when the L-cones are missing or dysfunctional, this yields a type of red-green color disorder known as protan color blindness.

There are two kinds of protan color blindness. protanomaly (mild protan) and protanopia (Strong Protan).

Mild protan color blind

A Protan with a protanomaly (red-weak) is known as an Anomalous trichromat.

Also called Protanomaly. This kind of red-green color blindness contains the red cones in the eye that detect more green light and not sufficiently red light.

If you are mourning from mild protan, any color blindness examination will definitely detect your impairment. If you go via Ishihara’s pseudo isochromatic test, Greater than a 95% probability of having a mild protan.

A person with protan color blindness can only notice 2-3 different shades of color corresponding to someone with average color vision who can differentiate 7 shades of color.

Strong Protan Color Blind

Occurs when the L-cones are missing entirely from the eye. Without the L-cones, the eyesight has a problem distinguishing between green and red.

The red-sensitive pigment in individuals with strong protan color blindness is a mutated form of the standard pigment. The average pigment has a distinct shape, but the mutated l-opsin has a separate shape.

The mutated l-opsin doesn’t function as well as the standard pigment does, directing to less efficient light absorption and lacking color perception in bright light. Strong protans struggle to see red, and colors including red, and are usually more acutely influenced by their condition.

If you are a strong protan color blind individual, you will have a problem differentiating between red and green. You might also have a problem seeing blue and yellow.

The colors that strong protan color blind people notice accurately are:

  • Blue and yellow

  • Red and black

Strong protan color blind people have trouble seeing the following colors:

  • Green and white (but not yellow)

Treating Mild Protan and Strong Protan Color Blindness

Treating Proton Color Blindness

There is presently no treatment for protan color blindness. Nevertheless, some enterprises create tools for people with color blindness to support and improve their everyday lives.

For example, EnChroma glasses have been sold as a way to enhance color differentiation and color vibrance for individuals with color blindness. One investigation authorized by Source in 2018 estimated just how useful these kinds of glasses are in enhancing color vision in participants.

The researchers found that the EnChroma glasses did somewhat modify the perception of colors that the participants could already notice. However, the glasses couldn’t enhance diagnostic tests nor correct normal color vision.

If you’re interested in taking benefit of the therapy choices obtainable for protan color blindness, you can see your eye doctor know more.


Red-green color blindness impacts roughly 8 percent of men and 0.5 percent of women around the globe, with the most typical type being red-green color blindness. Color blindness itself is yielded by an X-linked recessive gene, which is why men are more potential to be affected than women.

This is because men just have one X chromosome, and so only need one genetic modification for the disease to occur. Women, however, have two X chromosomes, and thus would require two genetic changes to have the disorder. Protan is a type of red-green color blindness that causes approximately 20% of all color blindness cases.

Effect of Protan CVD on Life

Patient suffering from color blindness

There is various result in patient life mourning from color vision imperfection. Some common issues are:

  • Driving

More precisely determining signal lights and color-coded symbols that are created to stand out such as danger and caution signs.

  • Color-coded charts

Individuals suffering from color blindness can have a significant problem reading color-coded graphs and other similar kinds of actions.

  • Jobs

Specific job limitations involve if you have a color vision disorder.

  • Education

More particularly schooling and all of the colors that are required to complete classroom training.

  • Living a life full of color

Something most of us assume for granted but it is evaluated that person who is color blind may just see as few as 10,000 hues of color compared to an individual with average color vision who can see up to 1,000,000 different shades of color.

Final Words

Protan color blindness is a kind of color vision defect that happens when the red-sensing pigments of the eyesight are either absent or dysfunctional.

Protanomaly and protanopia are two kinds of protan color blindness.

Protanomaly is a gentle form of red-green color blindness, while protanopia is the more powerful form. All forms of color blindness, including protanomaly and protanopia, can be analyzed through a color vision examination.

Even if you have been analyzed with protan color blindness, small modifications to your everyday routine can assist you to live a standard, fulfilling life.