Proof Complexity 2024

3-5 September 2024

University of Oxford

Proof complexity is a vibrant area in the intersection of computational complexity, algorithms and mathematical logic exploring the inherent difficulty of proving mathematical theorems. This workshop aims to cover both traditional topics and emerging trends in the field such as lower bounds on lengths of proofs, bounded arithmetic, model theory & forcing, SAT & QBF solving, connections to TFNP and algebraic complexity, lifting theorems and meta-mathematics of complexity theory.

The workshop will take place on 3-5 September at the University of Oxford. The program will consist of talks by selected speakers and will include ample time for discussions. To register for the workshop, please use the following registration form.

Preliminary list of speakers:

Venue: Lecture Theatre A (LTA) & Atrium, Wolfson building, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford

Address: Wolfson building, Parks road, Oxford, OX1 3QD, UK

How to get here

Accommodation:  Oxford colleges provide accommodation for visitors in September, see e.g. Keble College (nearest to the department), Wolfson College or St Anne's College. To book a room please use conference-oxford or the website of the college of your choice. Hotels and AirBnB can offer a great alternative. 

Organizers: Jan Pich & Iddo Tzameret