The etymology of the theonym prometheus is debated. The usual view is that it signifies "forethought", as that of his brother Epimetheus denotes "afterthought".[1] Hesychius of Alexandria gives Prometheus the variant name of Ithas, and adds "whom others call Ithax", and describes him as the Herald of the Titans.[15] Kernyi remarks that these names are "not transparent", and may be different readings of the same name, while the name "Prometheus" is descriptive.[16]

The first encountered Prometheus sample, first observed in February 2021 (SHA256: 9bf0633f41d2962ba5e2895ece2ef9fa7b546ada311ca30f330f0d261a7fb184), behaves similarly to the more recent variant we are currently tracking. However, it appends the following extension to the encrypted files: .PROM[prometheushelp@mail[.]ch].

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which always returns per-object metrics,regardless of the value of prometheus.return_per_object_metrics.You can therefore keep the default value of prometheus.return_per_object_metrics,which is false, and still scrape per-object metrics when necessary, by setting metrics_path = /metrics/per-object in the Prometheus target configuration (check Prometheus Documentation for additional information).

To simplify configuration, Istio has the ability to control scraping entirely annotations. This allows Istio scraping to work out of the box withstandard configurations such as the ones provided by theHelm stable/prometheus charts.

Edit: I rebuilt specifying also a static hostname for the network configuration because I noticed that every rebuild a new random one was assigned to the container.

After that I also tried to set the prometheus job to access the https version of the metrics but the issue goes back to the step one:

To remove the prometheus Plugin, you can delete the corresponding JSON configuration from the Plugin configuration. APISIX will automatically reload and you do not have to restart for this to take effect.

This can be happened when the prometheus server can't reach out to the scraping endpoints maybe of firewall denied rules. Just check hitting the url in a browser with :9100 (here 9100 is the node_exporter service running port`) and check if you still can access?

We Started facing similar issue when we re-configured istio-system namespace and its istio-component.We also had prometheus install via prometheus-operator in monitoring namespace where istio-injection was enabled.

For me the problem was that i was running the exporter inside an ec2 instance and forgot to allow tcp connections for the listen port in the security group (also check the routing of your subnets). So the prometheus container could not connect to the listen port of my exporter's machine.

On large clusters (>1000 OSDs), the time to fetch the metrics may becomesignificant. Without the cache, the Prometheus manager module could, especiallyin conjunction with multiple Prometheus instances, overload the manager and leadto unresponsive or crashing Ceph manager instances. Hence, the cache is enabledby default. This means that there is a possibility that the cache becomesstale. The cache is considered stale when the time to fetch the metrics fromCeph exceeds the configured mgr/prometheus/scrape_interval.

The mgr/prometheus module also tracks and maintains a history of Ceph health checks,exposing them to the Prometheus server as discrete metrics. This allows Prometheusalert rules to be configured for specific health check events.

The module can optionally collect RBD per-image IO statistics by enablingdynamic OSD performance counters. The statistics are gathered for all imagesin the pools that are specified in the mgr/prometheus/rbd_stats_poolsconfiguration parameter. The parameter is a comma or space separated listof pool[/namespace] entries. If the namespace is not specified thestatistics are collected for all namespaces in the pool.

The module makes the list of all available images scanning the specifiedpools and namespaces and refreshes it periodically. The period isconfigurable via the mgr/prometheus/rbd_stats_pools_refresh_intervalparameter (in sec) and is 300 sec (5 minutes) by default. The module willforce refresh earlier if it detects statistics from a previously unknownRBD image.

To use this to get disk statistics by OSD ID, use either the and operator orthe * operator in your prometheus query. All metadata metrics (like ``ceph_disk_occupation_human`` have the value 1 so they act neutral with *. Using *allows to use group_left and group_right grouping modifiers, so thatthe resulting metric has additional labels from one side of the query.

This allows Ceph to export the proper instance label without prometheusoverwriting it. Without this setting, Prometheus applies an instance labelthat includes the hostname and port of the endpoint that the series came from.Because Ceph clusters have multiple manager daemons, this results in aninstance label that changes spuriously when the active manager daemonchanges.

Prometheus metrics were exposed via a /hub/metrics endpoint in 0.9.0. Then, the metrics endpoint was updated to require authentication in 1.0.0. A prometheus server needs to be able to make requests to this endpoint and it expects to get a metrics response. Currently, it is getting a 403 forbidden error.

You could also do without the token providing that you disable prometheus authentication in file:

c.JupyterHub.authenticate_prometheus = False and then your scrape_configs will look like:

Im aware of something called PMM Percona Monitoring and Management but we are unsure if we are able to use this with our existing setup or what im assuming this is an alternative to our kube-prometheus-stack setup.

Run the Ingress Controller with the -enable-prometheus-metrics command-line argument. As a result, the Ingress Controller will expose NGINX or NGINX Plus metrics in the Prometheus format via the path /metrics on port 9113 (customizable via the -prometheus-metrics-listen-port command-line argument).

When deploying with Helm, you can deploy a Service and ServiceMonitor resource using the prometheus.service.* and prometheus.serviceMonitor.* parameters.When these resources are deployed, Prometheus metrics exposed by the NGINX Ingress Controller can be captured and enumerated using a Prometheus resource alongside a Prometheus Operator deployment.

Copy the following configuration file and save it to a location of your choice,for example /tmp/prometheus.yml. This is a stock Prometheus configuration file,except for the addition of the Docker job definition at the bottom of the file.

If you're using Docker Desktop, the --add-host flag is optional. This flagmakes sure that the host's internal IP gets exposed to the Prometheuscontainer. Docker Desktop does this by default. The host IP is exposed as thehost.docker.internal hostname. This matches the configuration defined inprometheus.yml in the previous step.

prometheus is a distributed digital image archive that currently makes more than 3,496,000 images of over 120 databases from institutes, research facilities and museums researchable on a common user interface.

Situated at the Institute of Art History of the University of Cologne, prometheus is supported by the non-profit association prometheus e.V. which promotes the ongoing developments of the digital media for science and research.

Temporal server reports a wide variety of metric to help operators get visibility into cluster and setup alerts. We use tally for reporting metric from the application and it supports multiple backends like prometheus, statsd, and M3db. We generally recommend to run Temporal with Prometheus backend and plan to provide dashboards using promQL to the community very soon. Here is a dashboard repo which we started recently. This is something we are iterating over pretty heavily at the moment and not ready for production use at the moment, but you can definitely use this as a reference to build your own dashboards.

We have provided a development config which shows how to run the server using prometheus as the back end. You can also checkout our helm chart which also has a section on how to run Temporal with prometheus as the metric backend.

why am I asking this is, I have installed the temporal helm charts tags .29 in X namespace and we have prometheus operator and grafana in another Y namespace.

Im not getting the datasources in the grafana UI.

Depending on how you have that set up, things to check include: prometheus is configured to scrape metrics in your temporal namespace, your RBAC settings allow prometheus to scrape metrics in your temporal namespace, and that any annotations you need on temporal deployments are set.

Download the prometheus Java agent jar as described on GitHub - prometheus/jmx_exporter: A process for exposing JMX Beans via HTTP for Prometheus consumpt... and copy it into /usr/local/bin/jmx_prometheus_javaagent.jar 0852c4b9a8

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