[Tyra Talk] 2024-11-23 語言維護: 語言名稱正名與去殖民化-以台語為例


|| 講者(Speaker):

楊佳穎 Chia-Ying (Annie) Yang
Chia-Ying (Annie) is a Teaching Fellow in Language Education and the Programme Director of MSc Language Education at the University of Edinburgh. She holds a PhD in Education from the University of Edinburgh. Her research background and interests lie in the field of sociolinguistics, focusing on areas in language maintenance, language attitudes, identity, language policy, language learning and teaching in heritage language contexts.

|| 摘要(Abstract):

In the multilingual and multicultural societies that we now live in, conflicts and marginalisation are often observed instead of harmony. Through the lens of language, languages and their users may experience suppression and marginalisation in contexts of conflict. However, language can also play a critical role in harmony building. This study explores language marginalisation, focusing on a threatened local language – Daighi, in the context of Taiwan. Taiwan is a multilingual society, and Daighi, along with other local languages, is going through intergenerational language shift (Census 2020; Tiun, 2020), which can be traced back to its sociocultural history (Yang 2020). Coming from a language maintenance perspective, this study sets out to address the issue of multiple names used to refer to Daighi in the literature and proposes an approach to make Daighi more visible while advocating for linguistic equality and harmony building. To explore the names used in the literature to refer to Daighi and the rationale behind its naming, this study draws on a systematic literature review as its main research method, and discourse analysis as the main analytical framework. The study then proposes and justifies how using Daighi as the name to refer to the language is a way to decolonise and demarginalize local languages like Daighi and promote language equality in a multilingual society like Taiwan. References Census (Taiwan), Legislative Yuan (2020). Census 2020 General Report: Population, Housing, Institutions, Ages, Marital Conditions, Education, Birthplace, and Nationality. Tiun, H.-K. (2020). Mother Tongues First: Planning Taiwanese Native Languages Education Policy for Language Revitalization). 教育科學研究期刊 (Jiao Yu Ke Xue Yan Jiu Qi Kan), 65(1), 175–200. https://doi.org/10.6209/JORIES.202003_65(1).0007 Yang, C.-Y. (2020). Language maintenance through primary school education: The case of Daighi, [Doctoral Thesis, The University of Edinburgh], https://hdl.handle.net/1842/37567.

|| 研究領域(Field):


|| 研究子領域(Sub-field):

Applied Linguistics, Sociolingusitics

|| 主持人(Chair):


|| 活動時間(Event Time):

11/23/2024 11:00 PM PST Pacific Time
11/24/2024 12:00 AM MST Mountain Time
11/24/2024 01:00 AM CST Central Time
11/24/2024 02:00 AM EST Eastern Time
11/24/2024 07:00 AM GMT England
11/24/2024 08:00 AM CET Berlin
11/24/2024 03:00 PM Taiwan

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