2024-08-10 臺灣學術家園:海歸學者的教職與研究之路

|| 講者(Speaker):

王維樂Wei-Le Wang

Dr. Wei-Le Wang received his Master’s degree in Immunology from the National Taiwan University in 2009. He continued his training in immunology under the guidance of Dr. Mark Boldin at City of Hope and obtained his Ph.D. in 2019. Dr. Wang then conducted his postdoctoral training in the laboratory of Dr. Marco Colonna at Washington University in St. Louis from 2019 to 2022. In October 2022, he established his lab at the Institute of Molecular Biology Academia Sinica, Taiwan. Dr. Wang’s research focuses on immune regulations. Through analysis of immune cells in the tissue barriers, he identified novel niches at CNS borders for B cell lymphopoiesis and a novel eosinophil subset unique to the small intestine and modulates the type 2 immune responses. His current research interests include: 1) B cell tolerance in the meninges. 2) Meningeal B cells in neurodegeneration diseases. 3) Eosinophils and Group 3 innate lymphoid cells in host defense and mucosal immunity. 

沈育全(Mike Yuchuan Shen)
沈育全老師畢業於國立東華大學英語教學系,曾獲國立宜蘭大學經營管理碩士、美國紐約大學國際事務碩士,芬蘭赫爾辛基大學培育跨文化素養專業學程、以及美國伊利諾大學香檳分校國際教育博士學位。 沈育全老師現職為國立中興大學師資培育中心暨教師專業發展研究所助理教授,曾任美國伊利諾大學香檳分校亞太研究中心對外聯絡協調員(Outreach Coordinator)暨美國教育部外語和區域研究計畫(Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships Program)之負責人,臺灣友邦吐瓦魯駐紐約聯合國總部大使團國際顧問、駐紐約臺北經濟文化辦事處觀光局市場行銷助理、日本東京中華學校專任教師、臺南市麻豆區北勢國小專任教師。

|| 摘要(Abstract):



|| 研究領域(Field):

王維樂(Wei-Le Wang):醫藥衛生及社會福利領域

沈育全(Mike Yuchuan Shen):教育領域

|| 研究子領域(Sub-field):

王維樂(Wei-Le Wang):免疫學

沈育全(Mike Yuchuan Shen):英語教學、師資培育、國際教育、偏鄉教育

|| 其他關鍵字(Supplementary keywords):


|| 主持人(Chair):


|| 活動時間(Event Time):

08/10/2024 06:00 AM PDT Pacific Time
08/10/2024 07:00 AM MDT Mountain Time
08/10/2024 08:00 AM CDT Central Time
08/10/2024 09:00 AM EDT Eastern Time
08/10/2024 02:00 PM BST England
08/10/2024 03:00 PM CEST Berlin
08/10/2024 09:00 PM Taiwan

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