2024-07-20 Tyra MMP 如何讓我拿到 offer

|| 講者(Speaker):

賴彥合(Yen-Her Lai)
從交大生科學碩畢業,到美國擔任研究助理 17 個月,TYRA MMP Program 讓我順利申請到北美生醫博班。

沈和儀(Halle Ho-Yee Shen)
Halle Shen is currently a post-baccalaureate research assistant in the Department of Psychiatry at the National Taiwan University Hospital in Taipei, Taiwan, and a recent graduate from the University of Maryland, College Park with a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology. As an aspiring scientist-practitioner, she is interested in studying the relationship between social and developmental risk factors and psychopathology, and devising resilience-based clinical interventions to implement with children and adolescents. Halle will be starting her PhD in Counseling Psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison this upcoming fall.

何昀(Yun Ho)
畢業於台大心理系學士班,曾在 UW-Madison 當訪問生,今年秋天即將到 UChicago 讀博士班,研究領域為人機互動(Human-computer interaction)。

張晏寧(Yen-Ning Chang)
就讀生化科技,碩士畢業後曾進業界工作,以導師制申請到德國 RWTH Aachen university 博士班,研究方向為微生物發酵。

|| 摘要(Abstract):


|| 研究領域(Field):

賴彥合(Yen-Her Lai):自然科學、數學及統計領域
沈和儀(Halle Ho-Yee Shen):社會科學、新聞學及圖書資訊領域
何昀(Yun Ho):社會科學、新聞學及圖書資訊領域;資訊通訊科技領域
張晏寧(Yen-Ning Chang):自然科學、數學及統計領域

|| 研究子領域(Sub-field):

賴彥合(Yen-Her Lai):分子生物、癌症、生醫工程
沈和儀(Halle Ho-Yee Shen):諮商心理
何昀(Yun Ho):人機互動
張晏寧(Yen-Ning Chang): 生物工程

|| 其他關鍵字(Supplementary keywords):


|| 主持人(Chair):


|| 活動時間(Event Time):

07/20/2024 06:00 AM PDT Pacific Time
07/20/2024 07:00 AM MDT Mountain Time
07/20/2024 08:00 AM CDT Central Time
07/20/2024 09:00 AM EDT Eastern Time
07/20/2024 02:00 PM BST England
07/20/2024 03:00 PM CEST Berlin
07/20/2024 09:00 PM Taiwan

|| 圖像設計(Design):


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