[Tyra Talk] 04/13/2024 Neurological evidence of mindfulness and self-paced mindfulness-based breathing training with virtual reality and biofeedback assistance
儘管現有的科學研究已經證實了正念訓練(mindfulness training)的效益,但是我們仍然不夠了解為什麼正念訓練如果產生效果。本次演講中,希彥將分享如何結合虛擬實境(virtual reality; VR)和生理回饋(bio-feedback; BF)技術,開發更有效的正念訓練,並同時以此探索其神經生理機制。
|| 講者(Speaker):
吳希彥(Hei-Yin NG)
生活在台灣十多年的香港人,早年研究社會心理學,但發現自己才華不足,現在只好借 brain-imaging & VR 的浪潮混到畢業。
|| 摘要(Abstract):
Mindfulness is derived from Buddhist contemplative training by cultivating state of attentional, nonjudgmental, fully open-minded awareness of one’s internal and external experiences in the present moment (Kabat-Zinn, 1994). Many researches have showed that mindfulness can improve cognitive function (Lutz et al., 2009) and attention span (Van den Hurk et al., 2010); increase positive affectivity, life satisfaction, and well-being (Brown & Ryan, 2003; Garland et al., 2015); and reduce stress, depression, and anxiety levels (Brown & Ryan, 2003; Davidson et al., 2003; Fjorback et al., 2011; Lutz et al., 2009). Neuroimaging studies have also shown that mindfulness can affect brain activity (Fox et al., 2014). The current project attempts to clarify the neuro-mechanism of mindfulness, to understand how human brain changes by mindfulness to achieve such improvement. We mainly employ electroencephalography (EEG) and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) technologies to provide the corresponding brain-imaging data. To take a further step, we attempt to facilitate mindfulness training through Virtual Reality (VR) and bio-feedback (BF) technologies. VR and BF technologies have been substantially developed for cognitive and clinical neuroscience researches in recent years. Recent studies have employed various BF modules as a non-invasive approach in attempts to moderate psychological disorders and facilitate mindfulness-based training. We aims to evaluate the efficacy of combining VR and BF technologies while practicing self-paced mindfulness breathing training and investigate psychophysiological signatures associated with multiple breathing training modalities using EEG. Specifically, we developed a VR-based breathing training environment that incorporated a variety of biofeedback techniques. The combined approaches of research showed us some interesting scientific findings in terms of the physiological basis of mindfulness. Further, the VR-BF combined training environment sheds a light on technology-assisted mindfulness training through VR and BF with data-supported bio-markers.
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|| 活動時間( Event Time):
04/13/2024 07:00 PM PDT Pacific Time
04/13/2024 08:00 PM MDT Mountain Time
04/13/2024 09:00 PM CDT Central Time
04/13/2024 10:00 PM EDT Eastern Time
04/14/2024 03:00 AM BST England
04/14/2024 04:00 AM CEST Berlin
04/14/2024 10:00 AM Taiwan
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