[Tyra Talk] 02/03/2024 職場社交平台,LinkedIn 的強大應用:個人品牌、專業人脈網和找工作

號稱是「獨霸全球的專業人士社群網站」的 LinkedIn 到底是什麼呢?我們又應該如何有效利用 LinkedIn 呢?二月三號的 TYRA TALK ,盧彥君博士將分享如何利用 LinkedIn 建立個人品牌,人脈,再藉由 LinkedIn 的經營來幫助我們找到工作。 


|| Speaker:

盧彥君 (Yen-Chun, Jason, Lu)

Dr. Jason (Yen-Chun) Lu obtained his B.S.s in Civil Engineering and Chemical Engineering from National Taiwan University, an M.Eng. in Biomedical Engineering, and an M.S./Ph.D. In Biological Engineering from Cornell University. He joined Prof. Robert Langer and Prof. Daniel Anderson’s group at Boston Children’s Hospital and MIT in 2018 and focused on developing therapeutics in type I diabetes and mRNA technology. Currently, he is a Sr. Scientist in a biotech company. Additionally, he is a creator/influencer/blogger/YouTuber for scientific education, career development, and leadership development. He started his blog and Facebook fan page in 2021 to share the trends in biomedical research/ novel biotechnology development, his experience in the U.S. graduate school, and his life in America. Moreover, he has more than 8,000 followers on social media.


|| Abstract:

這次的分享會著重於如何利用 LinkedIn 建立個人品牌,人脈,再藉由 LinkedIn 的經營來幫助我們找到工作。除了主講外,活動後將有 networking 的機會,讓參與者可以交換 LinkedIn 的同時,彼此也可以交流使用 LinkedIn 或其他平台的心得。請大家把握機會增進自己的曝光度吧!


|| 研究領域(Field:



|| 研究子領域(Sub-field:



|| Chair:



|| Time:

02/03/2024 06:00 AM PST

02/03/2024 07:00 AM MST

02/03/2024 08:00 AM CST

02/03/2024 09:00 AM EST

02/03/2024 02:00 PM GMT

02/03/2024 03:00 PM CET

02/03/2024 10:00 PM Taiwan