Sleep on it

It is ok if you fall asleep while browsing this website zzzzzz

Our Purpose:

to Educate People on Our Most Natural Form of Self Care

"I can sleep when I retire" is a sad motivational sentiment for productivity.

With this website we hope to educate kids, teens, and adults about sleep and its benefits. Productivity and longevity of life can only be properly achieved with good sleep. Please keep reading this page because you could better your life and the lives of others who unknowingly suffer from the evils of sleep deprivation. This is a health epidemic that we can stop with you!

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Click below for specific information geared towards different age groups :) zzz zz

For Kids

Click here to learn about how animals sleep just like you!

For Teens

Think you are too cool for sleep? p.s. sleep can make you seem more attractive amongst your peers. Find out more here!

For Adults

No time for sleep, with work, family, and relationship issues? Sleep can only benefit these stressful areas of life... read more