I checked my environment variables - JAVA_HOME & PATH and they all refer to C:\java. So this was bit frustrating. After sometime I found that the default installation also copied java.exe, javaw.exe and javaws.exe to C:\Windows\System32 (i.e. uninstall of JRE didn't go well). I just removed them and voila, I'm back on track. That annoying error is no longer popping.

I had to delete a folder of executables (Java.exe, javaw.exe etc.) in a different directory than System32, as other answers here and blog posts have suggested. Instead I found the problem lied with executables found in:

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I had the same problem: I have a 64 bit Windows and when I typed "java -version" in CMD-Console i received the same Error message.Try to start a 64bit-cmd(C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe) and you will see, it works there ;)

That can happen when the PATH becomes too long and gets truncated.

All posts (like this one) suggest updating the PATH, which you can test first in a separate DOS session, by setting a minimal path and see if java works again there.

I had this problem after updating your java. The best way to solve this problem is just go to your c:/ProgramFiles/Java folder. There you will find two jre folders one is as jre.your version and other with exactly like jdk folder. Try to remove jre.1.your version folder. There you go your problem is solved. Hope this might help. It's worked for me.

Looking @ it the issue of post install script is there and getting propagated since I am using update jdk8 1.8.0_191 since issue occurred with me after installing update of java and which was happened automatically.

It wasn't in the path. Finally fixed by uninstalling java, removing all references to it from the registry, and then re-installing. None the wiser, but back working again. Thanks all @Highland Mark- Can you tell me the process to removing references from registry. I tried all possible way people mentioned here, nothing worked.

.log from the .sh.bin is the same plus it now detects JRE 11.

I notice at least two directories appeared (~/.rfb and ~/.irpf) that may affect the program execution, maybe get rid of them (rename rather than delete, just in case) and try again. Actually, at this point I'd nuke every trace of the program, upgrade, reboot and start anew.

There's an uninstall script in the program directory, very similar to the .sh.bin initial shell script.

@jonasmalacofilho My opinion is that this is user responsibility. Users should control their java environment through archlinux-java or create their own launch scripts. The Wiki article you linked is related to user management of Java (not about packaging Java applications), and the Java Package Guidelines does not tell about doing this. That being said, I also think that java 11 is old by now, and it's a bit annoying for the user to deal with archlinux-java before launching irpf, or to create a custom script for this. So I've added your suggestion with modifications. But there is a problem: dealing with a hardcoded java version in a launch script of an AUR package is not trivial like in the official repository packages. In official repos, there is only a single provider for 'jre-runtime=11', which is jre11-openjdk. In the AUR, there are at least 4 or 5 providers that I could count by doing a quick search. The path '/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk/bin' covers only openjdk, and will not work if the user have another jre package providing 'jre-runtime=11'. I've added only support for openjdk and oracle jdk, which seems to be the most used ones, as a package cannot (and should not) support every single dependency variant. TLDR: this should be made by the user, but given the annoyance I've implemented it, and the solution is not perfect in an AUR package.

PAR - Programa de Auto-regularizao de Situao Fiscal

 PER/DCOMP - Programa Gerador do Pedido Eletrnico de Restituio ou Ressarcimento e da Declarao de Compensao (verso 3.3)

 Receitanet 2008 - Desde 2/1/2008 somente  possvel utilizar as verses 2008 do programa Receitanet.


E novamente, chegou a hora de acertar as contas com a Receita. E para comear a fazer sua declarao no Linux  preciso apenas instalar o programa gerador da declarao (IRRF), que est disponvel na pgina da Receita Federal em verses para vrios sistemas.

Sus datos slo se comunicarn a otras empresas del grupo Centro de Estudios Adams para fines administrativos internos, as como, en el caso de realizar prcticas como parte integrante del programa formativo, a la/las empresa/as donde se realicen, con estricta confidencialidad y conforme a las medidas de seguridad de la normativa vigente.

Depois de instalar muitos programas diferentes em um PC para jogos, voc pode perder a noo do que est instalando com o tempo. Depois da matria de programas para instalar, listamos agora alguns programas que voc deve desinstalar do PC - alguns esto desatualizados ou a utilidade j no  a mesma de anos atrs.

As declaraes geradas pelo programa IRPF2016 devem ser apresentadas no perodo de 1.03 a 29.04.2016, pela Internet, mediante utilizao do programa de transmisso Receitanet Java, tambm disponvel no site da RFB, podendo, para tanto, ser utilizada assinatura digital mediante certificado digital vlido.

O programa do Imposto de Renda de Pessoa Fsica (IRPF) de 2021 foi liberado aos cidados nesta quinta-feira (dia 25). Segundo a Receita Federal, 264.590 downloads foram feitos at as 19h deste primeiro dia.

Para solucionar esse problema voc deve efetuar o download do programa novamente e reiniciar a instalao do programa. Caso o problema persista, a Receita Federal recomenda o download da distribuio Multiplataforma (.zip), que funciona em qualquer sistema operacional.

AMBIENTE DE DESENVOLVIMENTO DO NOTES O CECOM vem desenvolvendo aplicaes em plataforma Cliente/Servidor e iniciar, a partir do desenvolvimento do novo Sistema Acadmico, a utilizao da plataforma Web com uso de programao em Java. 2351a5e196

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