One thing that annoys me no end about Windows is the old sharing violation error. Often you can't identify what's holding it open. Usually it's just an editor or explorer just pointing to a relevant directory but sometimes I've had to resort to rebooting my machine.

I've had success with Sysinternals Process Explorer. With this, you can search to find what process(es) have a file open, and you can use it to close the handle(s) if you want. Of course, it is safer to close the whole process. Exercise caution and judgement.

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Just be very careful with closing handles; it's even more dangerous than you'd think, because of handle recycling - if you close the file handle, and the program opens something else, that original file handle you closed may be reused for that "something else." And now guess what happens if the program continues, thinking it is working on the file (whose handle you closed), when in fact that file handle is now pointing to something else.

Suppose a search index service has a file open for indexing but hasgotten stuck temporarily and you want to delete the file, so you(unwisely) force the handle closed. The search index service opens itslog file in order to record some information, and the handle to thedeleted file is recycled as the handle to the log file. The stuckoperation finally completes, and the search index service finally getsaround to closing that handle it had open, but it ends up unwittinglyclosing the log file handle.

The search index service opens anotherfile, say a configuration file for writing so it can update somepersistent state. The handle for the log file gets recycled as thehandle for the configuration file. The search index service wants tolog some information, so it writes to its log file. Unfortunately, thelog file handle was closed and the handle reused for its configurationfile. The logged information goes into the configuration file,corrupting it.

Meanwhile, another handle you forced closed was reusedas a mutex handle, which is used to help prevent data from beingcorrupted. When the original file handle is closed, the mutex handleis closed and the protections against data corruption are lost. Thelonger the service runs, the more corrupted its indexes become.Eventually, somebody notices the index is returning incorrect results.And when you try to restart the service, it fails because itsconfiguration files have been corrupted.

You report the problem to thecompany that makes the search index service and they determine thatthe index has been corrupted, the log file has mysteriously stoppedlogging, and the configuration file was overwritten with garbage. Somepoor technician is assigned the hopeless task of figuring out why theservice corrupts its indexes and configuration files, unaware that thesource of the corruption is that you forced a handle closed.

Now, if Explorer seems to be the culprit here, it may be the case that that's just on the surface, and that the true culprit is something that installs a shell extension that opens all files in a folder for it's own purposes but is either too gung-ho in doing so, or that doesn't clean up properly after itself. Symantec AV is something I've seen doing this before, and I wouldn't be surprised if other AV programs were also to blame. Source control plug-ins may also be at fault.

So not really an answer, but just some advice to not always blame Windows for what may be a badly written 3rd party program (something that can also happen on any other OS which has implicit file locking, but any unix based OS has shared access by default).

The above upvoted answers cover situations where a program process is holding the file handle open, which (fortunately) is most of the time - however in some cases (as is occurring on this system at the moment), the system itself holds a file handle open.

You can identify this situation by following the instructions to find the file handle holding process with process explorer above, and noting that the process name is listed as 'system', or by following the the instructions using resource monitor and noting that no image is shown having a filehandle open on your file of interest (Although obviously something does as you can't edit/delete etc the file).

There is a tool FILEMON and shows open files and handles. Its hard to keep up with its display if you watch it live, it does so quickly. But you can stop it from displaying live and you can watch all file open/write activity. Now owned by Microsoft but originally by Sysinternals

Normal files with an extension can have a program associated however this is not the case with files that don't have an extension. If you double click on one and select an application and check the box to always use that application it is ignored and every time you select a file you have to choose the application.

This is an example of .reg file for getting Notepad to open unknown file extensions. Create a new text file with an extension of .reg, cut and paste this into it, then double click to run and it'll put it into the registry.

I have a problem opening PDF files in IE9, yes IE9 (needed for old program).The PDF files are generated by a Javascript and thrown back at the browser as application/pdf content type, which is good, but filename "none", which is bad. IE8 allows you to choose Save, Cancel and Open and understands the MimeType. for some reason, IE9 does not. So you have to choose every time to open it with PDF reader.

My solution: using this post I have made a file association for the file without extension. first I mapped it to Acrobat Reader, which works fine but is limiting the possibilities for opening a file without an extension. So, I chose Internet Explorer as my default viewer for files without extension. This way, if IE can open it or knows a plugin or other association it will work.

Set a default for a file type or link type 

In the search bar, enter the file type or link type you want, then select it from the list of results. You can choose which app can open that file or link type.

You may want your .pdf files, or email, or music to automatically open using an app other than the one provided by Microsoft. To choose default apps by file type. scroll down and select Choose default apps by file type.

I am using a program called Blender and I want to write a script in python which open a .blend file but using the which is located in the same folder with the blend file, not with the which is located in Applications. (using Macosx)

where string file in both examples represents full path to the file trying to open. Now, everything is working well, except the (jpg) images with ACDSee app. Irfanview associations works well, MS office documents too. After trying to open the jpg image associated with acdsee it just runs the acdsee in the notification area and does not open the file.

So my question is, how can I set up the ProcessStartInfo object to ensure that it will run all the files as it would be in the explorer by doubleclick, the standards and this DDEExec ones? Is there something other like DDEExec that I shoul be aware of?thanks and sorry for my EN

This is an old thread but just in case anyone comes across it like I did.pi.FileName needs to be set to the file name (and possibly full path to file ) of the executable you want to use to open your file. The below code works for me to open a video file with VLC.

When you open a file in Windows, it will usually open in the default application for that type of file. For example, a photo will open in Windows Photo Viewer (or the Photos application in Windows 8) by default. But you may not always want this. In this lesson, we'll show you how to open a file in a different application, as well as how to change the default application so a file will always open in your preferred program.

As you learned in our lesson on Working with Files, you can locate and double-click a file to open it. It will open in the default application for that type of file.

Sometimes you may want to open a file in a different application without changing the default. For example, you may want to open a photo with Microsoft Paint to crop or resize it.

You may prefer to change the default application for certain types of files so they'll always open in the new app when you double-click them. For example, you may want your photos to always open in Windows Photo Viewer instead of the Photos application.

I use xdg-open a lot in the terminal; this opens a file in the default application. However, sometimes I'd like to open a file in a different (non-default) application. Is there a way to achieve this from the terminal?

An advantage of an xdg-open-like command is that the terminal window can be closed after opening the file/application. However, if I use (e.g.) vlc /path/to/movie.mp3 &, then I'll need to keep the terminal window open.

But there were not real solution. A generic program for opening applications like xdg-open is made for opening files with default applications, not the only one application the user want to use at the very moment where he want to open the file. You cannot do this except changing the default application before opening the file but it is not user friendly and it does not woth getting default applications.

I *think* it is just a prompt from JMP asking if you want JMP to open the CSV or some other program that might have claimed the CSV extension. I don't think JMP is offering to claim the CSV extension.

What remains even in JMP17 as a problem:

If you click on the file in the Recent Files list to open it again, Jmp seems to assume that the checkmark is on and either opens the file with the default program or asks for a program to open the file (if the extension is unknown.) be457b7860

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