What is Social WiFi Marketing and How Can it Help You Grow Your Business

Many venues now offer access to the internet via their WiFi network. Whether a retail store, restaurant, hotel, airport, shopping mall, or even a stadium they all tend to provide a wireless connection to the world wide web for free. And customers routinely sign-in giving brick-and-mortar companies an opportunity to target customers with WiFi marketing.

What is Social WiFi Marketing?

Using a smartphone to sign onto a WiFi network at a retail location is nothing new. Many retailers still give out a password for customers to sign in but this leaves a lot of potential profit on the table. More-and-more retailers are setting up their network with a sign-in splash page asking customers to connect to the hotspot via their social media accounts. Signing in through a social network is what’s known as social WiFi. While that may seem like an insignificant difference from the password based approach, it is one of the most powerful options a physical space can implement for the most cost-effective and highly targeted digital marketing available.

By signing in with Facebook, a customer provides you with an almost embarrassing abundance of demographic riches. You’ll be able to see who your customers are and what they like along with their names and contact information. This allows you to effectively target and retarget your customers through email, surveys, and their social networks.