The first thing to check was what was doing the folder redirection which is where the first procmon filters were used. I spend a lot of time trying to trace where a Windows application or the Operating System itself stores a particular setting so that I can then automate its setting in someway. When it boils down to it, a setting is almost always going to be either stored in the registry or in a file which means we can use procmon to filter on the setting of the registry value or the writing of a file.

The next part of the puzzle is to figure what I needed to filter on to be able to spot the changing of the attributes to hidden. This I did with the help of the good old attrib utility by creating a test folder and then running attrib to set and unset the hidden attribute on this folder so I could see what procmon reported.

Procmon Download


We've been having some issues in our environment, but for whatever stupid reason, security won't let us use procmon. Specifically, I've been looking for something that can see the resource use for shared processes under svchost.exe, without rebooting the server.

In order to see if it was feasible to take an existing procmon configuration file containing a PID filter and change it, I performed a binary comparison between two configuration files I had manually saved from the procmon user interface. In terms of the filter parameters they contained, they were identical except one was for a PID of 123456 and the other for a PID 567890, e.g:

Also, I always configure procmon to use a backing file rather than let it use the default of virtual memory as I believe that is usually less impactful of system resources, particularly when traces have to be run for a long time. This is on the File menu.

I'm trying to automate usage of procmon and I would like to specify arbitrary filters. I see that you can do that from the command line by loading a .pmc file with /loadconfig. So I am supposing I can generate my own .pmc then launch procmon.

Originally posted on: -started-with-procmon-for-troubleshooting-long-running-processes.aspx#645600Nice writeup. The backing file option was new to me. Normally I just go with Drop Filtered Events to reduce the amount of logged data by magnitudes.

I've used procmon ( -us/sysinternals/downloads/procmon) for this, which seems quite nice, but although it displays many related log entries, I was surprised to find that it doesn't display an entry for the particular CreateFileW call that actually exceeds 260 chars and crashes my application.

When you know that the application you are tracing is a managed one, collect a full memory dump during the analysis (better later than sooner, so all the interesting modules are already loaded). You may use procdump -ma process name|PID for this purpose. Now, open the dump in windbg, load SOS (.loadby sos clr) and resolve the address from procmon:

If you need to get Procmon's filter to run below us in the filter stack, it has a setting for that. Procmon is usually used to figure out what is happening on the machine, but you do not get to see the activity of things such as virus scanners and unifiltr because they happen at a lower level than the procmon filter. Since Unidesk and App Layering machines are normally nonpersistent, you need to get ProcMon's settings done properly without rebooting the VM.

The Process Monitor Console (procmon) is the main interface console process. You can use procmon to query information indirectly from the Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) of your site. The Cisco Intelligent Contact Management (ICM) processes that reside on the Peripheral Gateway (PG) allow you to:

You can run procmon from a Telnet session or a DOS command prompt. The procmon process supports both local and remote commands. Local commands are defined within procmon, while you need to program remote commands into the monitored process. This section provides a list of basic procmon commands and process-specific commands for use with processes such as:

You may ask yourself: What is this altitude you are speaking about and why should I want to reduce it? Well, after you downloaded and successfully started procmon, you can run fltmc instances in an elevated cmd or PowerShell. The output of this command lists the minifilter drivers that are active on your operating system.

You can see that by starting the procmon executable, the PROCMON24 minifilter driver was loaded. This minifilter driver is required such that procmon is able to intercept IO operations and log them. However, different applications may use filter drivers for other purposes. For example, anti-virus software can use minifilter drivers to intercept and prevent IO operations.

The idea behind reducing the altitude of the PROCMON24 minifilter is that additional information may get available that is otherwise invisible to procmon, because the correspondent filter driver is below PROCMON24 in the filter stack.

The additional insights that can be achieved by investigating these procmon traces are the reason why the SAP support may request a procmon log where the altitude of the minifilter is modified from its default value.

13. Copy the .PML file(s) to a different location so that they are not overwritten or removed by Procmon by accident.


1. When using "Backing File" feature, if Procmon is closed as means to stop it, and then reopened, the files are cleared. You may or may not be prompted with a message indicating that the current .pml file will be overwritten, and it looks like it depends on whether procmon is currently using the very first .pml file generated, or has already created other .pml files. If it has already roled to the next -X.pml files it will remove those files right away with no warning.

2. If Procmon is kept opened after stopping the capture, two files should remain available for copying from the location specified under "Backing Files".

3. If Procmon is stopped and then started, the last active file (of the two) will be used to store (append) new data.

14. Open the .PML file that was created and verify that Qlik events were actually logged in there (close Process Monitor, and then double-click on the .PML file; click "Cancel" if the filter dialogue appears again).

Process Monitor is an advanced monitoring tool for Windows that captures real-time file system, registry, process, and thread activity. The first step of the EMP reverse packaging process is to capture a Process Monitor (procmon) log of the entire functional running of the application on the source operating system. The log is used to create an EMP package consisting of all of the required components for the application to successfully function on a modern operating systems after it has been migrated. An incomplete capture can result in missing application components.

The following optional steps reduce the size of the log file, where possible. To reduce the size of the log file, we recommend that you run procmon only when running the application windows to reduce capture of background noise and unrelated workflows.

So I found an old post by a guy who seemed to be having a similar problem and he said he used process monitor to find a program that was causing a problem. So I've downloaded procmon and was lucky enough to be able to cause Excel to have the problem while I was monitoring it. Trouble is, procmon logged 6,500 events in 50 seconds (excluding the ones with the result "success")! :O I also don't know what they results mean, and the procmon help file won't load the pages (Y)

Thanks for that. What I did was to create a blank Excel file on the network drive. I then started procmon, opened the file, typed a few words into a few fields, clicked save, watch it chug for about 5 seconds but it did save, then closed Excel. Definitely no-one opening the file at the same time. I have administrator privileges on my comp, and there is no access restrictions on this location.

What we will do is start procmon and create a filter for just the SQL Data files, because there are processes which constantly read and write to files we want to ignore the general "chatter". When you run procmon the first thing you are asked to do is to set up a filter (aside from the one time EULA!). If you choose "Path" then "Ends With" and enter ".mdf" you can filter on all mdf data files. If you wanted to, you could restrict procmon to work with a specific database or set of databases using a more selective filter.

Using Process Monitor to record the I/O patterns and then using Sql to shred the data into sizes, offsets and table / index names is pretty straightforward but gives you access to a level of information that isn't currently readily available. Perfmon will tell you how many bytes in total are read and written but at a disk level and hardware vendors may have tools available but procmon will work in all situations and has the added benefit of being free!

For example, download and extract procmon.exe to a directory in your PATH such as C:\Windows. Or copy it to a new directory named C:\Sysinternals and add that to your PATH. Or simply run promon.exe by clicking here

Run procmon.exeImmediately press the magnifying glass toolbar button or disable "Capture Events" from the File menu (Ctrl-E)Press the "Clear" toolbar button or "Clear Display" from the Edit menu (Ctrl-X)To narrow the types of events to be captured click each of the rightmost toolbar buttons (except for the file cabinet) so they appear flush with the toolbar. Leave the file cabinet button pressed so that Process Monitor will show file system activity. Select "Filter..." from the Filter menuPress the Reset button if it is enabledIn the filter fields, select "Path" "is" and then type into the entry field the local disk or UNC path name for the directory you want to monitor (e.g. c:\data or \\myserver\mydir). Select "Include", press Add, Apply, OK.Enable "Capture Events" (Ctrl-E) to watch the I/O activity in the specified directory. 006ab0faaa

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