Chain of Thought Imitation with Procedure Cloning

Behavioral Cloning v.s. Procedure Cloning

Figure 1: Visualization of the dataset collection, training, and inference of BC and PC on a maze navigation task. During dataset collection, the expert uses a search procedure to determine the optimal action to generate a path to the goal location (red star). During training, BC discards these intermediate search outputs and learns to map states to actions directly. In contrast, PC learns the complete sequence of intermediate computations (i.e., branches and backtracks) associated with the search procedure. During inference, PC generates a sequence of intermediate search outcomes emulating the search procedure on a new test map before outputting the final action.

Graphical Models: BC v.s. PC

Figure 2: Graphical models of vanilla BC, auxiliary BC, and procedure cloning with autoregressive and conditionally independent factorization. Node s represents an input MDP state, a represents an expert action, and x represents the sequence of procedure observations (x0, ..., xL).


Conditional independence:

Procedure Clone BFS

Figure 3: In a discrete maze, the expert employs BFS by first expanding a search perimeter until it encounters the goal cell, at which point it backtracks to find the optimal action at the starting state (cells in light blue are visited and dark blue are backtracked). We encode this algorithm as a sequence of procedure observations (x0, ..., x6) of the intermediate computation states, with each xi represented by a 2D array and each cell of the array containing BFS-relevant information (i.e., whether this cell is being expanded or backtracked and the action recorded when expanding to this cell). Procedure cloning is trained to predict the entire sequence of computations from input state to output action using a sequential model.

Procedure Clone MCTS

Figure 6: In the MinAtar game-playing environment, the expert uses MCTS to find an optimal future trajectory [L, R, Goal]. We treat this future trajectory in reverse order [Goal, R, L] as procedure observations, so that procedure cloning is trained to first predict the goal image (MCTS leaf node) and then predict the optimal action sequence backwards from the goal using a GPT-like autoregressive model, ultimately predicting the expert’s output action as its last prediction.


Figure 4: [Left] Visualization of the discrete maze (4 discrete actions) and AntMaze (8 continuous actions). [Right] Average success rate of PC and BC agents navigating to the goal from random start locations over 10 test mazes. Agents are trained on 5, 10, 20, 40 mazes of 1 and 5 expert trajectories on discrete maze and AntMaze, respectively. We find that procedure cloning leads to much better test maze generalization compared to alternative approaches.

Figure 5: [Left] Visualization of the bimanual sweep task. [Middle] Average success metric (proportion of particles in bowls at the end of the episode) of PC and BC agents completing the bimanual sweeping task after learning on 10, 100, 1000 expert trajectories; each variant is an aggregate of 10 runs. All of our algorithm implementations use the implicit loss function. [Right] When using 1000 expert demonstrations with early stopping, PC achieves 83.9% compared to 78.2% success of the existing state-of-the-art achieved by implicit BC.

Figure 7: Average episode reward (over 50 episodes) of PC and BC agents playing MinAtar games over 3 test environments using sticky actions (left) and game difficulty ramping (right) not see in the training environments