PRCP: Probabilistic Robust Conformal Prediction

Subhankar Ghosh                      Yuanjie Shi                   Taha Belkhouja                      Yan Yan                    Jana Doppa                       Brian Jones

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Conformal prediction (CP) is a framework to quantify uncertainty of machine learning classifiers including deep neural networks. Given a testing example and a trained classifier, CP produces a prediction set of candidate labels with a user-specified  coverage (i.e., true class label is contained with high probability). Almost all the existing work on CP assumes clean testing data and there is not much known about the robustness of CP algorithms w.r.t natural/adversarial perturbations to testing examples. This paper studies the problem of probabilistically robust conformal prediction (PRCP) which ensures robustness to most perturbations around clean input examples. PRCP generalizes the standard CP (cannot handle perturbations) and adversarially robust CP (ensures robustness w.r.t worst-case perturbations) to achieve better trade-offs between nominal performance and robustness.  We propose a novel adaptive PRCP (aPRCP) algorithm to determine an appropriate threshold during the calibration step to achieve probabilistically robust coverage. The key idea behind our approach behind aPRCP is to determine two parallel thresholds, one for data samples and another one for the perturbations on data design). We provide theoretical analysis to show that aPRCP algorithm achieves robust coverage. Our experiments on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet datasets using deep neural networks demonstrate that aPRCP achieves better trade-offs than state-of-the-art CP and adversarially robust CP algorithms.

We show the discrepancies among the three methods. The center red clean data point is bounded by the L2 norm ball

Vanilla CP: this method provides marginal coverage(not conditioned on either x or y) when there is no distribution shift between training and test data. As can be seen from the figure, it guarantees coverage only for the clean data at the center.

RSCP: This method gives coverage guarantees for all examples inside the circle.

PRCP: This method provides coverage guarantees for samples that come from (1-a) portion of the ball. If a=0, PRCP becomes RSCP.

Advantages compared to existing methods:

Disadvantages compared to existing methods:

