Tips in creating and maintain a balanced diet

Tips in creating and maintain a balanced diet

Diet - it’s a dreaded four letter word for many. The minute the word is heard, it brings up a lot of apprehensions and maybe even shame in some people. However, with proper information and proper planning, this need not be the case. Yes, Diet can evoke happy and good thoughts as well. So as already stated, before going on a diet, a person needs to have the right information. For example, it’s highly important to know what a balanced diet is and how to create it and later maintaining it is also equally important.

What’s a well-balanced diet? A healthy or balanced diet means a diet which helps in maintaining overall health. It has to include all the essential nutrients and proteins and the required calories as well. For most people, a healthy and balanced diet consists of mainly fruits and vegetables and some amount of whole grains. Sweetened beverages or processed food is completely banned. For non-vegetarians, a healthy diet may include some fish, lean meat and a small amount of low fat dairy products. Now the question arises as to how to create a healthy diet.

As per trusted reports, an average person needs about 2000 calories per day in order to maintain his or her weight. However, these are again subject to other conditions such as age, gender, physical activity etc.

So, why is a balanced diet important? Simply because our body needs it. Without a good nutrient supply, the body cannot function properly and the person may get sick, feel fatigued and most importantly may face growth problems if it is a growing child. For older people, obesity and diabetes are the two major risks of not maintaining a balanced diet.

Now that it is understood that a balanced diet is important, it is vital that a person crate his or her own balanced diet. However, it’s important to understand in detail, the groups of a balanced diet.

1. Fruits – They provide the best nutrients and are a good source of natural sugar.

2. Vegetables - They provide the needed vitamins and minerals. For example, Dark leafy vegetables contain bountiful minerals

3. Grains - Whole grains have a lot of nutritional value.

4. Meats and Beans - For good muscle and brain development proteins are needed which can be provided by lean meats such as chicken, fish. Beans provided much needed fiber, proteins and other nutrients

5. Dairy Products – They provide needed calcium, vitamin D and other nutrients.

6. Oils - Not all but some such as olive oil and low fat oils are a healthier option

Along with the haves, it is equally important to discuss the have-nots. Things to reduce or completely avoid if you want to follow a balanced diet is:

1. Alcohol

2. Sugars such as Cakes, energy drinks, sodas etc.

3. Refined grains such as in Pizza, Doughnuts, cookies

4. Solid fats such as in butter, sausages

Why important? According to a survey, because of a poor diet and lack of exercise, many are dying of the following causes

· Heart disease

· Diabetes

· Stroke

· Cancer

So before it’s too late, start now and create your own balanced diet plan and follow it strictly for better and healthier living.