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Warning: Changing the [[Prototype]] of an object is, by the nature of how modern JavaScript engines optimize property accesses, currently a very slow operation in every browser and JavaScript engine. In addition, the effects of altering inheritance are subtle and far-flung, and are not limited to the time spent in the obj.__proto__ = ... statement, but may extend to any code that has access to any object whose [[Prototype]] has been altered. You can read more in JavaScript engine fundamentals: optimizing prototypes.

Note: The use of __proto__ is controversial and discouraged. Its existence and exact behavior have only been standardized as a legacy feature to ensure web compatibility, while it presents several security issues and footguns. For better support, prefer Object.getPrototypeOf()/Reflect.getPrototypeOf() and Object.setPrototypeOf()/Reflect.setPrototypeOf() instead.

The __proto__ property can also be used in an object literal definition to set the object [[Prototype]] on creation, as an alternative to Object.create(). See: object initializer / literal syntax. That syntax is standard and optimized for in implementations, and quite different from Object.prototype.__proto__.

The __proto__ getter function exposes the value of the internal [[Prototype]] of an object. For objects created using an object literal (unless you use the prototype setter syntax), this value is Object.prototype. For objects created using array literals, this value is Array.prototype. For functions, this value is Function.prototype. You can read more about the prototype chain in Inheritance and the prototype chain.

Unlike Object.getPrototypeOf() and Object.setPrototypeOf(), which are always available on Object as static properties and always reflect the [[Prototype]] internal property, the __proto__ property doesn't always exist as a property on all objects, and as a result doesn't reflect [[Prototype]] reliably.

The __proto__ property is a simple accessor property on Object.prototype consisting of a getter and setter function. A property access for __proto__ that eventually consults Object.prototype will find this property, but an access that does not consult Object.prototype will not. If some other __proto__ property is found before Object.prototype is consulted, that property will hide the one found on Object.prototype.

null-prototype objects don't inherit any property from Object.prototype, including the __proto__ accessor property, so if you try to read __proto__ on such an object, the value is always undefined regardless of the object's actual [[Prototype]], and any assignment to __proto__ would create a new property called __proto__ instead of setting the object's prototype. Furthermore, __proto__ can be redefined as an own property on any object instance through Object.defineProperty() without triggering the setter. In this case, __proto__ will no longer be an accessor for [[Prototype]]. Therefore, always prefer Object.getPrototypeOf() and Object.setPrototypeOf() for setting and getting the [[Prototype]] of an object.

Far more work has gone into reconstructing PIE than any other proto-language, and it is the best understood of all proto-languages of its age. The majority of linguistic work during the 19th century was devoted to the reconstruction of PIE or its daughter languages, and many of the modern techniques of linguistic reconstruction (such as the comparative method) were developed as a result.[citation needed]

William Jones, an Anglo-Welsh philologist and puisne judge in Bengal, caused an academic sensation when in 1786 he postulated the common ancestry of Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Gothic, the Celtic languages, and Old Persian,[7] but he was not the first to state such a hypothesis. In the 16th century, European visitors to the Indian subcontinent became aware of similarities between Indo-Iranian languages and European languages,[8] and as early as 1653, Marcus Zuerius van Boxhorn had published a proposal for a proto-language ("Scythian") for the following language families: Germanic, Romance, Greek, Baltic, Slavic, Celtic, and Iranian.[9] In a memoir sent to the Acadmie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres in 1767, Gaston-Laurent Coeurdoux, a French Jesuit who spent all his life in India, had specifically demonstrated the analogy between Sanskrit and European languages.[10] According to current academic consensus, Jones's famous work of 1786 was less accurate than his predecessors', as he erroneously included Egyptian, Japanese and Chinese in the Indo-European languages, while omitting Hindi.

This is working as specified. ES6 __proto__ is a getter defined on Object.prototype. For an object that doesn't have that in its prototype chain it is not accessible (just like, say, hasOwnProperty isn't). You need to use Object.getPrototypeOf instead.

This is indeed true: ES6 section B.2.2.1 defines Object.prototype.__proto__; therefore, the __proto__ property is inherited from Object.prototype. However, your drink object was created with Object.create(null), so it doesn't have Object.prototype in its prototype chain.

An object always has internal knowledge to its prototype, stored in its [[Prototype]] internal slot. The __proto__ property is a way to access that internally-known prototype through code. An object's lack of a __proto__ property does not affect its [[Prototype]] slot, which still exists.

To be perfectly clear: coke does have a prototype (stored in [[Prototype]]), and that prototype is the object drink. You can see this with Object.getPrototypeOf(coke). However, that is the entire prototype chain, because the prototype of drink is null. Therefore, coke can't inherit __proto__ from Object.prototype.__proto__ because it doesn't have Object.prototype in its prototype chain.

Proto Technologies is a nationwide manufacturer of CNC and Cast Urethane products specializing in prototypes and Low Volume manufacturing. As an Alaska Native Corporations (ANC) and an 8(a) certified business, our strength is the efficiency with which we deliver leading-edge parts and products to our customers. We specialize in prototyping, production, and manufacturing; utilizing precision machining, 3, 4, 5 Axis CNC mills & lathes with live tooling, urethane casting, silicone molds, 3D printed parts and thermoforming. We create unique products for aerospace, medical, government, and inventors. We are an AS9100D and ITAR-compliant business. Proto Technologies is your one-stop shop for turnkey production of premium parts. e24fc04721

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