Priyanka Shende

I am a PhD Candidate in the Department of Economics at University of California, Berkeley

My research interests lie in market design, mechanism design, and in topics at the intersection of economics and computation


Working Papers

Consensus and Correctness on the Blockchain (with Yuichiro Kamada)

  • In progress

Strategy-Proof Mechanisms for Single Object Allocation [draft coming soon!]

  • Abstract: We consider the problem of allocating a single indivisible object to one among a group of agents, when monetary transfers are not allowed and agents may not necessarily prefer to receive that object. We provide a complete characterization for the class of strategy-proof mechanisms for this problem and show that any such mechanism can be succinctly represented as a labelled set system.

Strategy-Proof and Envy-free Mechanisms for House Allocation (with Manish Purohit) [paper]

  • Revise and resubmit, Journal of Economic Theory

  • Abstract: We consider the problem of allocating indivisible objects to agents when agents have strict preferences over objects. There are inherent trade-offs between competing notions of efficiency, fairness and incentives in assignment mechanisms. It is, therefore, natural to consider mechanisms that satisfy two of these three properties in their strongest notions, while trying to improve on the third dimension. In this paper, we are motivated by the following question: Is there a strategy-proof and envy-free random assignment mechanism more efficient than equal division?

Our contributions in this paper are twofold. First, we further explore the incompatibility between efficiency and envy-freeness in the class of strategy-proof mechanisms. We define a new notion of efficiency that is weaker than ex-post efficiency and prove that any strategy-proof and envy-free mechanism must sacrifice efficiency even in this very weak sense. Next, we introduce a new family of mechanisms called Pairwise Exchange mechanisms and make the surprising observation that strategy-proofness is equivalent to envy-freeness within this class. We characterize the set of all neutral and strategy-proof (and hence, also envy-free) mechanisms in this family and show that they admit a very simple linear representation.

Constrained Serial Rule on the Full Preference Domain [paper ]

  • Abstract: We study the problem of assigning objects to agents in the presence of arbitrary linear constraints when agents are allowed to be indifferent between objects. Our main contribution is the generalization of the (Extended) Probabilistic Serial mechanism via a new mechanism called the Constrained Serial Rule. This mechanism is computationally efficient and maintains desirable efficiency and fairness properties namely constrained ordinal efficiency and envy-freeness among agents of the same type. Our mechanism is based on a linear programming approach that accounts for all constraints and provides a re-interpretation of the ``bottleneck'' set of agents that form a crucial part of the Extended Probabilistic Serial mechanism.


Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) for the following courses:

Econ 201A (First-year PhD, Consumer Theory): Fall 2020

Econ 201B (First-year PhD, Mechanism Design): Spring 2020

Econ 136 (Undergrad, Financial Economics): Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Fall 2020