Privacy Policy

PlayOnGirlsGames respect the privacy & user's personal information. As we developed the games and apps for children and kids but we care you and your kids.

We Collect only the few things listed below, if you are disagree, you may not use the services or just close the apps/games.

  • We requires some permissions in our apps/games
  • INTERNET permissions from your device
  • WIFI state permissions from your device
  • NETWORK state permissions from your device
  • Read/write on the external storage
  • Permission to Save Image in your device
  • Third Party ads implementation permissions

Advertisement in our games/apps

  • As our games are free to play, so we are using third party ads network in our apps/games
  • Third party networks used in our apps/games can use some of your information
  • Changes in privacy policy can occur


  • If you have any question about our privacy policy you can contact us at (