Privacy Policy for "Auto Clicker - Automatic tap" iOS Application

Effective Date: 11/2023

Thank you for choosing "Auto Clicker - Automatic tap," an iOS application designed to enhance your user experience. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and safeguard your information.

Automated Clicks:

The "Auto Clicker - Automatic tap" application offers an automated clicking feature, allowing users to set specific time intervals for automated clicks. This functionality is designed to operate within the app's environment, offering convenience and efficiency.

Integrated Web Browser:

Our application integrates a web browser feature for seamless web navigation. Please note that this browser operates solely within the confines of the app, and its usage is subject to this Privacy Policy.

Pro Version Upgrade and Ad Removal:

Users have the option to upgrade to the Pro version of the application, which not only unlocks additional features but also removes advertisements. The upgrade process is facilitated through the respective app store.

Advertising and User Information Collection:

In order to personalize advertising content, the "Auto Clicker - Automatic tap" app may collect non-personal information from users, subject to their consent. This information is utilized for targeted advertising within the app. Users can manage their advertising preferences within the app settings.

Support Email:

For any inquiries or support-related matters, please feel free to contact us via email at We are committed to addressing your concerns promptly.

User Consent:

By using "Auto Clicker - Automatic tap," you agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy, including the collection and use of your information for advertising purposes if consented to.

Changes to this Privacy Policy:

We may update this Privacy Policy periodically to reflect changes in our practices. Users will be notified of any significant updates. It is advisable to review this policy periodically to stay informed.

Your privacy is important to us, and we appreciate your trust in choosing "Auto Clicker - Automatic tap." If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us through the provided support email.

Thank you for being a valued user of our application.