Privacy Policy

Analytics and Advertisement

We are collecting user data to have more focused advertisement to the user. The data is used for Google Analytics and AdMob. Google Analytics only analyses the users' application usage and AdMob needs the data to have more precise advertisement. AdMob is Google's product which displays the advertisement to the user. The advertisement is displayed as a banner in the bottom of the screen in InttiQuiz-application.


The highscore displays the users' highscore in highscore screen. After every game played, user can insert his or her name to the text field which will be inserted to Google's Firebase where the data is stored.

Products and Services

The application itself has only one product which is in-app purchase for disabling all the advertisements from the application. The user can use the application without having any ads but if the user uninstalls the application and reinstall it, user must purchase the service again. We defined the work this way to have more consistent users'.

User data

The application is not collecting any personal data like name, email or address. If the user needs his or her data to be deleted from our database by the law of GDPR, he or she can contact the email which is displayed in InttiQuiz Google Play Store.


The application uses Shared Preferences feature which is used in Flutter. To be able to disable ads, the unique id is stored in the phone after no ads product purchase. The unique id is checked every time the user uses the application and the advertisements are disable.