Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Developer:  Online Camera Apps  (as shown in Google Play Store)

How personal information is collected

The Application does not request, collect, or access the precise location of your mobile device.

The Application can store camera connectivity information such as an usb camera port or an IP address specified  by you on the installed device only.

We do not use any clouds services that can capture your private information or audio/video data for inspection or special data analysis.

Video/audio data can be stored with cloud storage provider on user request and is used according to the corresponding cloud storage provider privacy policy.

Where personal data is stored

The Application doesn't use external services controlled by the app developer to store personal data. All personal data mentioned in this Privacy Policy is either stored on your mobile device or transfered directly to third parties mentioned under Limited data sharing section (see below).

Limited data sharing

Video/audio data can be shared with cloud storage provider on user request and is used according to the cloud storage provider privacprivacy policy.

Children’s Privacy

This app is not an app for children. It does't collect personal data from children.

What critical permissions are required

1) App permission:  CAMERA

Why do we use this permission: The gadgets' camera can be used on user request

2) App permission:  RECORD_AUDIO

Why do we use this permission: Microphone can be used on user request to create video files with a sound


Why do we use this permission:  Save / Read video files, photos

Third-party use

This app does not provide any personal data to third-party organizations.

External links

This app may link to both the developer's Google Store page and own developer's website. These web links are for clients support purposes only.