Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Game Logix

Game Logix aims to deliver free and transparent services for the mobile devices. “Game Logix”, “we”, “our” or “us” in this privacy policy refers to Game Logix and any other entities or ownership of Game Logix. The terms “you”, “yours”, “players” and “users” refers to individuals or entities who use our products or services.

We appreciate and acknowledge your trust in our services and products. Our mission is to deliver great applications to people around the world. We have created this Privacy Policy to let our users stay informed of updates. You will be notified if any changes made to this Privacy Policy and your continue use of our services will show that you have accepted the change in the Privacy Policy.

For the purpose of data protection laws and to deliver high quality results, Game Logix not only serve as a “data controller” of your personal information but also play its role to provide transparent services to improve the user’s experience. To provide you great entertaining games, Game Logix will process information from you and about you to improve the entire user experience.

This Privacy Policy explains

Type of information we collect and how it is collected

Use of the collected information

How we share and disclose information collected from you

Data subject rights and end user’s choice

Third party links

Children’s privacy

How long we keep collected information

How we protect the collected information

Changes to our Privacy Policy

How to contact us

Information We Collect and How We Collect It

Game Logix collects information through two ways. Information you provide us directly and information collected by us automatically. Our primary goal for collecting information is to deliver the user with a customized and entertaining experience and to provide better services, products and other relevant content to our customers or end users.

Information Shared with Us Directly

Whenever a user chose to use our services through a social network or direct through Game Logix, you can provide us information directly. The information you give us directly will be used for the purpose described in the Privacy Policy. On using our services, you give us information including:

Your first and last name

Your user name and password

Profile information (player profile photo)

Your gender

Age or birthday

Email address

Approximate location

Other information such as data to recover or identify a lost account, chat logs, players support tickets.

On creating a player profile that our other Game Logix player can see. You will share with us the following information

Profile photo





And also collect information about you, if you chose to sign in through your social media account. The information may include; information associated with the social media account, details about the apps you play and ID number created by Game Logix to identify your account.

We may also collect information when

When you upload user-generated content such as profile photo, comments or other contents post to our games or apps.

When you correspond with us, your information including your name, email address, gameplay information, or other activities in our services. The information will store and may share with our support team to provide relevant support, diagnose technical issue causing inconvenience and improve our services. And we also may send you emails related to your queries or for account verification, technical or security notices.

If Game Logix decides to conduct contests, promotions and surveys you may be asked to share your information.

If you chose to receive marketing email newsletters for updates

We may also collect information through our communication features. Such as

Player forums, chat functions, and message boards

Comments to other players’ profiles

Invitations send to other Game Logix players either directly or indirectly through email

We collect information through communication features to ensure the safety and well-being of our players and Game Logix’s rights and property. The purpose of gathering information is purely based on the improvement of our services.

Payment Information

If user make any purchases in Game Logix, such as in-app purchases including purchase of virtual items and license to use in-app virtual currency. Our third party payment processor will collect the billing information to begin the purchasing process. Game Logix does not and never store your billing or financial information. However our payment processors may share some non-financial information with us related to your purchases such as transaction information, transaction ID, items purchased and their value in order to complete the process.

Information we Collect Automatically

Information through social networks

If you use our services or play our games using a social network such as Facebook, we may automatically receive certain profile information depending upon the game you are playing, the social network, your friends and your privacy settings.

Your first and last name

Your profile picture or its URL

Network ID number

Public data for your friends

Information from your friends who have also linked their social media account with our apps

E-mail login information provided on registering

Location of the devices used to avail our services



Profile information available on social networks

Tracking Technologies

To provide better results we use some tracking technologies including

Device identifiers to get information about the device model

We may use cookies on our websites to get necessary information in order to deliver our best

These technologies help us to collect and analyze different kinds of technical information including:

IP addresses

Mobile device or type of computer you are using

Operating system version or platform type

Mobile devices identifier, MAC address, IDFA (Identifier for Advertising) and IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)

Browser type and language

The website you visited, domain names, landing pages, pages viewed, clicks and time on a page, before or after using our services

App or game activity

Game level, date or time of activity on our games and websites

It is also to be noted that companies posting advertisements using our platforms or services may use cookies or other tracking technologies mentioned in their Privacy Policy. Third party advertising and analytics and other practices are subjected to their terms and conditions and own policies.

Information from Your Mobile Device

If you play games of Game Logix or access our services on your mobile device, in addition to mobile identifier, we may also automatically collect:

The name associated with the mobile device

Country or approximate location

Information about the other Game Logix apps you have on your mobile device

We will never collect your GPS location information without your consent. Your precise GPS location information will be collected with your permission.

How We Use the Collected information

We and support teams, primarily use the personal or non-personal information to improve the user experience and for some other purposes such as:

To improve or services to provide better results

To allow users to create accounts or profiles to play our apps

To make it easy to find other Game Logix players

To recommend other Game Logix players

To personalize our services for our users

To make it easy for players to communicate with each other easily

To deliver timely technical support and respond to queries made

To protect Game Logix rights and property in connection with our services

To prevent an illegal or fraud activity

To manage and provide contextual and behavioral advertising

To timely update players about in-app updates, new products or offers

To monetize rewards, surveys, or other promotional activities

To conduct research

To resolve any dispute you may have with other players and to enforce agreements with third parties

For the purpose described in the Privacy Policy, we may combine or use the information collected online/offline and use such information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Legal Basis for the Use of Collected Information

The legal basis for the use of collected information is as under:

We collect information where it is necessary to perform our obligations under an agreement made with you.

Where use of collected information is necessary to for our ad others legitimate interests

Where we have obtained your prior consent

We conduct different marketing activities on the basis of consent and legitimate interests in informing you about our offers and services

How We Share Collected Information

Game Logix will share your personal or non-personal information with third parties or allow third party to collect this information under following circumstances

We may share information about use of services for industry analysis, demographic profiling, marketing advertising and other business purposes

We may share your information with other Game Logix players if you registered through social networks.

With third party advertising and analytics to offer many of services

Data Subject Rights and User’s Choice

You have certain rights regarding your information

If you want to know more about your legal rights, you can contact us any time

If you don’t want Game Logix to use your information, you can contact us anytime at email address provided

To manage the information collected by Game Logix, you need to change your privacy settings on social networks

You can disable geolocation feature anytime, it is to be noted on disabling the feature you may not receive some or all services from Game Logix

You can turn off push notifications by visiting your mobile device settings

You can turn off the cookies anytime

Privacy Policy of Linked third parties and Advertisers

Game Logix website or apps may contain advertisements from third parties, which are companies other than Game logix may link to their own websites or mobile applications. We are not responsible for third party privacy practices, the collection, use and disclosure of your information. If you have any question regarding to the privacy practices of those third parties, you should review their privacy policies or contact the directly.

Children’s Privacy Policy

Our websites and apps are not for children under the age of 12 and we do not knowingly collect information from children under 12. If it comes to our knowledge that inadvertently we have gathered information from a child under 12, we will take reasonable measures to remove that information content as soon as possible.

How Long we Keep Your Information

Game Logix does not intend to keep your information longer than required. The length of time we need to keep your information depends on the purpose for which we collected and use it and/or as required to comply with applicable laws.

How do We Keep your Information Secured

We implement high quality security measures to keep information secure. Although we take every measure to keep information safe and secure but we cannot guarantee that unauthorized access, hacking, data loss or other breaches will never occur. Any transmission of information or data is at your own risk.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

Game Logix reserve the right to change or modify its Privacy Policy at any time. It is recommended to review our Privacy Policy frequently. You should check this privacy policy periodically for updates. If we make any change to the Policy, you will be notified in accordance with the legal requirements. Your continued use of our apps shows your acceptance of our Privacy Policy as modified.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us at