Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes how Melek Tek (“we,” “us,” or “our”) collects, uses, and discloses information through our mobile games (“Apps”), available on various app stores. This Privacy Policy applies to all of our Apps.

Information we collect

We do not collect any personal information through our Apps that can directly identify you. The Apps do not require any registration and do not collect any user provided information such as your name, email address, etc.

Information automatically collected

We automatically collect certain information about how you interact with our Apps. This information does not identify you personally. The types of automatically collected information are:

Log data: When you use our Apps, we automatically record certain log data, including your IP address, device identifiers, device operating system version, advertising IDs, in-app activities and behavior, date/time stamps, and basic geographic location (city/state level).

Device identifiers: We collect device IDs (such as your Google Advertising ID or Apple IDFA) to deliver interest-based ads. These can be reset through your device settings.

Usage analytics: We use third-party analytics tools to help us measure traffic and usage trends for our Apps. These tools collect information sent by your device including web pages visited, add-ons, and other information that assists us in improving the Apps.

How we use information

We use the information collected through our Apps for purposes such as:

We do not use any personally identifiable information collected through our Apps.

Information sharing and disclosure

We do not share or disclose any information collected through our Apps to third parties except to provide App functionality, improve the Apps, comply with legal obligations, or protect rights and interests. In such cases, we only share information that has been anonymized or aggregated so as to not directly identify you.

Third party services

We may allow third parties to provide analytics services, serve advertisements on our behalf, or provide other services related to our Apps. These third parties may collect usage information to perform their services but are prohibited from using information collected through our Apps for any other purpose.

Children’s privacy

Our Apps are not designed for or targeted at children under 13. We do not intentionally collect personal information from children under 13. If we learn that a child under 13 has provided us information, we will take steps to delete such information.

Changes to this policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our Apps, legal requirements, or how we process information. If we make material changes, we will notify you by updating the date at the top of this Privacy Policy and posting prominent notice in our Apps. We encourage you to regularly review our current Privacy Policy.

Contact us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our data practices, please contact us at:

Melek Tek

Effective date: August 26, 2023