Metaverse Research and Digital Asset Creation
The metaverse is a hot topic, and like many musicians who have experimented with game engines, virtual reality, VR Art, and 3D modelling, I find myself considering what the metaverse means for me as a musician. Indeed, it could be described as the wild west of the internet, with its associated cryptocurrency gold rush. There are several conceptions of what is meant by the metaverse. I’ll describe it as a virtual world or virtual world layer that can be explored using an avatar or other digital representation of an individual that allows them to act in that world or world layer.
As Covid-19 accelerated the transition towards using virtual reality, NFTs, blockchain applications, and other crypto products for music, having a way to navigate this new landscape has become a necessity. The Immersive Audience Journey provides one way to consider how to plan an immersive release. In a forthcoming report, I consider how it can help self-releasing musicians plan their own immersive production. In particular, I introduce Metaverse Music Singles (MMSs) and Metaverse Music Albums (MMAs). Imagine exploring your music collection in the metaverse, in a space or room with an experience devised for it. The Metaverse Music Single is a type of Metaverse Music Release (MMR) that you explore with an avatar. Think of it as a traditional music single that you explore with a VR headset instead.