
ĩj.stãrt.cãnõn- prìntẽr sẽtũp using CD

Learn how to set up your printer of cãnõn. cãnõn Setup Pixma printer driver installation methods for windows Using CD drive ĩj.stãrt.cãnõn Setup. Insert the prìntẽr driver software CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.


cãnõn offers products online manuals, installation steps for prìntẽr and scanner setup, and more. At ĩj.stãrt.cãnõn, you can easily learn to set up a cãnõn prìntẽr or scanner manually. Read the points on our site for the complete setup.

How do you put a password on your cãnõn printer?

Use ĩj.stãrt.cãnõn on browser. Select Security, open menus. Select administrator password setting and change password then ok.

Installing the cãnõn prìntẽr sẽtũp driver or software using CD:

  1. Now you will get a CD with the Printer.

  2. Insert the CD drive into the device and then install the driver or software.

  3. If you don’t have any CD with the Printer, then download the driver online.

  4. Now for that, you need to open the browser of a windows device.

  5. Then Go to our official website using ĩj.stãrt.cãnõn link.

  6. Select the operating system and version of your computer, then choose software you want.

  7. Then you will be on the main page of canon.

  8. There you will see the Setup option then click on it.

  9. Then enter serial number(Password) of your canon prìntẽr.

  10. When the model appears under the text box, select it to access its Drivers & Downloads.

  11. And then, the driver downloading page will open.

  12. There you will see the Download option then click on it.

  13. Now downloading of the driver will begin.

  14. After downloading the driver install the driver on your device.

  15. That’s it, and your driver will be available on a windows device.