Princess is a title used by a female member of a monarch's family or by a female ruler. The male equivalent is a prince (from Latin princeps, meaning principal citizen). Most often, the term has been used for the consort of a prince, or for the daughter of a monarch. A crown princess can be the heiress apparent to the throne or the spouse of the heir apparent.

For many centuries, the title "princess" was not regularly used for a monarch's daughter, who, in English, might simply be called "Lady". Old English had no female equivalent of "prince", "earl", or any other royal or noble title aside from queen. Royal women were simply addressed or referred to as "The Lady [Firstname]". For example, Mary and Elizabeth, daughters of Henry VIII of England, were often simply referred to as "the Ladies Mary and Elizabeth".[4] This practice, however, was not consistent. In the marriage contract between Prince George of Denmark and Anne, daughter of James II of England, Anne is referred to as "The Princess Anne".[5]

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Practice in Britain began to change in the 18th century. After the accession of King George I to the British throne, the children, grandchildren, and male-line great-grandchildren of the British sovereign were automatically titled "Prince or Princess of Great Britain and Ireland" and styled "Royal Highness" (in the case of children and grandchildren) or "Highness" (in the case of male line great-grandchildren). Queen Victoria confirmed this practice in letters patent dated 30 January 1864 (the first Act of the Prerogative dealing with the princely title in general terms). On 31 December 2012, Queen Elizabeth II issued letters patent enabling all children of the eldest son of the Prince of Wales to enjoy the princely title and style of "Royal Highness", as opposed to only the eldest son.[6][7]

In European countries, a woman who marries a prince will almost always become a princess, but a man who marries a princess will almost never become a prince, unless specifically created so. From 1301 onward, the eldest sons of the kings of England (and later Great Britain and the United Kingdom) have generally been created Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester, and their wives have been titled Princess of Wales.[8]

Queen Elizabeth II issued letters patent dated 21 August 1996, stating that any woman divorced from a Prince of the United Kingdom would no longer be entitled to the style "Royal Highness". This has so far applied to Diana, Princess of Wales, and Sarah, Duchess of York. Similarly, in Denmark, Alexandra, Countess of Frederiksborg, lost her status as princess upon her second marriage after divorcing Prince Joachim of Denmark (Danish: Grevinde af Frederiksborg).[9]

In some cases, "princess" is used as a term of endearment to express love for a woman. For example, throughout the 1997 film Life Is Beautiful the protagonist Guido calls his beloved Dora "principessa", Italian for "princess".

Princess is a theorem prover (aka SMT Solver) for Presburger arithmetic with uninterpreted predicates, written entirely in Scala. Princess can reason aboutproblems in integer arithmetic, augmented withpredicates that can be axiomatised arbitrarily. Such problems cancontain arbitrary quantifiers to express that some formula is supposedto hold for all or for some integers.

Princess won the TFA division (arithmetic problems) at CASC J6, 2012. In 2013 and 2014, Princess won in the TFI category of CASC,(integer problems), and was runner-up in the overall TFA division.We currently maintain a separate branch for full support of theTPTP format.

Princess is free software. Since version 2021-03-10, Princess is distributed under BSD 3-clause. Previous versions were distributed under LGPL v2.1 or later; under LGPL v3, and even earlier under GPL v3.

We provide a binarydistribution of the latest version of Princess. This distributioncontains all required libraries, i.e., the Scala API and the Cup parsergenerator library; it is only necessary to have a Java runtimeenvironment(version 1.5 or newer) installed.

To install, justdownload the archive and unpack it in some directory of your choice.The Princess gui can then be invoked using the script princessGui,thecommandlinetoolusingthescriptprincess. In addition, the script princessClientcan be used to run Princess in client-server mode(more details).

If you want to usethe Princess API, it iseasiest to start from the classap.SimpleAPI, and use thefunctions in ap.parser.IExpressionto construct formulae. A number of examples are included in both thesource and binary distributions, indirectory testcases/api.

We also maintain a local Maven repository with stable and unstable Princess versions, with URL and organisation id uuverifiers. If you build your software using sbt, you can simply add the following two lines in the build.sbt script to automatically download Princess during compilation:resolvers += "uuverifiers" at " "libraryDependencies += "uuverifiers" %% "princess" % "2024-01-12"

You can download acomplete hello-world projecthere. The example can be compiledusing sbt. If you have sbtinstalled, just calling sbt run indirectory hw should take care of downloading Princess,and all other dependencies, compilation, and running the example.

You can again download acomplete hello-world project,again including a Maven build file pre-configured to use Princesstogether with JavaSMT. If you have Maven installed on your machine,you can compile and run the example by invoking&gt mvn package&gt mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=Riddle

We currently maintain a separate branch for full support of theTPTP format. You candownload a binary of the latest version, or thesources. This versiondiffers from normal Princess mainly in the following points:the default input format is chosen to be TPTP;by default, the prover runs with the option +multiStrategy,withaportfolioofstrategiesoptimisedforTPTPproblems; results are output in the SZS notation; to generate and output proofs, the option +printProof can be added. 152ee80cbc

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